Basic English Grammar Quiz: Can You Answer All 20 Questions?

A fun way to test your grammar knowledge!

Basic English Grammar Quiz: Can You Answer All 20 Questions?

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Test your knowledge of basic English grammar with this easy quiz. From common grammar rules to essential language structures, these questions cover a range of fundamental concepts.

Whether you're a native speaker looking to brush up on your skills or a learner seeking to reinforce your understanding, this quiz offers a fun way to test your grammar knowledge.

What is the plural form of "child"?
Which word is the past tense of "eat"?
Which sentence is correct?
She are going to the store.She is going to the store.She am going to the store.
What is the comparative form of "big"?
Which word is a pronoun?
What is the superlative form of "good"?
Which word is a conjunction?
What is the present participle of "swim"?
Which sentence is correct?
They have gone to the beach.They have went to the beach.They have gune to the beach.
What is the past participle of "sing"?
Which word is a preposition?
What is the present tense of "go"?
Which sentence is correct?
I am reading a book.I reading a book.I are reading a book.
What is the comparative form of "happy"?
Which word is an adjective?
What is the superlative form of "bad"?
Which word is a determiner?
What is the past tense of "go"?
Which sentence is correct?
She has a dog.She is have a dog.She have a dog.
What is the plural form of "mouse"?

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