Famous Lines

S.T.A.R.S. Speak: Can You Identify the Resident Evil Character by Their Quote?
S.T.A.R.S. Speak: Can You Identify the Resident Evil Character by Their Quote? video
How You Doin'? A Friends Quote Quiz Challenge! (VIDEO QUIZ)
How You Doin'? A Friends Quote Quiz Challenge! (VIDEO QUIZ) video
Warp Speed Wisdom: Identify the Sci-Fi Movie with This Quote! (VIDEO QUIZ)
Warp Speed Wisdom: Identify the Sci-Fi Movie with This Quote! (VIDEO QUIZ) video
Resident Evil Quote Quiz: Can You Recognize Who Said It?
Resident Evil Quote Quiz: Can You Recognize Who Said It? trivia quiz
Central Perk Pop Quiz: Guess Who Said the Quote!
Central Perk Pop Quiz: Guess Who Said the Quote! trivia quiz
Sci-Fi Speak: Identify the Movie from the Quote!
Sci-Fi Speak: Identify the Movie from the Quote! trivia quiz