Terms of service

in force from 15.05.2020

Please read these General Terms and Conditions carefully before using the LifeShouts.com (hereinafter referred to as "Site")


  1. These General Terms and Conditions are intended to regulate the relations between LifeShout,com, hereinafter referred to as the โ€œProvider / Weโ€, on the one hand, and each of the users (registered or unregistered) of the information services and resources available through the said sites, referred to as below for short "User / You"
  2. The Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on the date of their publication on a web site at https://LifeShouts.com/terms/
  3. The Provider reserves the right to change the content of these Terms of service. Upon modification of the Terms of service, within 14 (fourteen) days from their entry into force, the Provider shall notify the Users of the changes by posting a draft of the modification on the web site https://LifeShouts.com/terms/
  4. The Parties shall be liable for all cases of non-fulfillment of their obligations under the Terms of service in accordance with the provisions of the current Bulgarian legislation.


For the purposes of these Terms of service, the following words and expressions, including when they are members and / or plural, will mean as follows:

  1. User is any person who uses / submitted content and / or is registered on LifeShouts.com.
  2. Provider is the person involved in the creation, maintenance, marketing and distribution of the content and services subject to these Terms of service, namely LifeShouts.com
  3. The site is LifeShouts.com. Site is a web-based tool that offers users rich and diverse content for the free and / or cost-effective provision of a remote service by using electronic tools.
  4. E-mail means the user-specified email address by which the person registers or identifies on the Site
  5. User Profile is a separate part of the Site that contains information about the User, provided by the latter at registration or subsequent editing of the User.
  6. Device means any general purpose device - a computer, tablet, phone or etc. used to access and use the Site
  7. Applicable Law means any existing (now or in the future) laws and / or regulations that directly affect the Site, as well as the Provider (and / or its activity) and / or the User (and / or its activity).
  8. IP Address ("IP address") is a unique string of numbers separated by full stops that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.
  9. Profiling is any form of automated processing of User data that involves the use of this data to evaluate certain personal aspects related to the User such as personal preferences, interests, user behavior (search history and queries when using the Site), profile preferences, location, and more. The purpose of Profiling is to provide the User with the opportunity to make fuller use of the functionality of the Site as well as personalized advertising messages.
  10. User Content means any text, file, image, video, link to the Site or other material that the User has on the servers of LifeShouts.com, including, but not limited to, by posting comments and opinions on information resources located on any of Sites and / or content on your Profile in order for them to be accessible through the respective Site to all other users.
  11. Malicious action means acts or omissions that violate Internet ethics or harm individuals connected to the Internet or associated networks, spam (JUNK MAIL), channel overflow (FLOOD), access to foreign resources, and passwords, use of system deficiencies for the purposes of self-profit or information retrieval (HACK), performing actions that may qualify as industrial espionage or sabotage, damage or destruction of systems or information arrays (CRACK), sends is on a "Trojan horse" or causing installation of viruses or remote control systems, disrupting the normal operation of other Internet users and associated networks, committing any action that may qualify as a crime or administrative violation under Bulgarian law. legislation or other applicable law.

Rights and obligations of the User

  1. The User undertakes to exercise his rights to use the information and services provided by the Site in good faith, in compliance with the applicable normative acts and these Terms of service.
  2. It is forbidden to provide incorrect information and to register or submit content under a foreign name (under someone else's identity). LifeShouts.com may refuse publications or terminate an existing publications, as well as suspend or suspend immediately and without notice the provision of the Services to a person for whom it has information or may assume that it is providing incorrect or foreign information.
  3. In the event of non-compliance with any obligation under these Terms of service, or in the event of failure to fulfill any of the other obligations of the User, the Provider has the right to immediately restrict the provision of the services or to unilaterally access to the Site

User Content and Behavior

LifeShouts.com has no obligation or objective ability to control the User's use of the Services provided, and is not responsible for the User Content as well as for the User's activity in connection with the use of the Site. LifeShouts.com is under no obligation to monitor the information stored on its Servers or made available when providing the Services, nor to seek facts and circumstances that indicate misconduct by Users.

  1. In accordance with the requirements of the current Bulgarian legislation, LifeShouts.com stores information materials and resources available from LifeShouts.com Server Users and has the right to make them available to the competent state authorities in cases where this is necessary for the protection of rights, legitimate interests and security or third parties, and where required by the appropriate governmental authorities.
  2. LifeShouts.com has the right to place on any of the pages of the Site advertising banners and other advertising forms for goods and services offered by LifeShouts.com or third parties, as well as Electronic Referrals and advertising banners pointing to sites that are beyond the control of LifeShouts.com.

The User agrees, when using the LifeShouts.com Services, not to download, submit, post to the LifeShouts.com Server and not to distribute or make available in any way to any third parties the User Content - information, data, text, sound, files, software, music, video, photos, graphics, audio, commentary, and any other material or electronic links to such as:

  1. contrary to the Bulgarian legislation, the applicable foreign laws, the present Terms of service, Internet Ethics, the rules of morality and good morals;
  2. containing violence (including violence against animals), agitation for violence, humiliation of human dignity, threat to human life and bodily integrity;
  3. damaging the good name of another or calling for a violent change of the constitutionally established order, for committing a crime, for violence against a person, or for inciting racial, national, ethnic or religious enmity;
  4. insulting a religion or containing religious agitation;
  5. advocating discrimination based on sex, race, educational background, age and religion or preaching fascist, racist or other undemocratic ideology, including incitement to engage in terrorist activity;
  6. with pornographic, sexually explicit or any other content that threatens the normal mental development of minors or violates moral standards and good morals;
  7. which do not correspond to the thematic orientation of the Site or the specific material published on it;
  8. constituting trade or business secrets or other confidential information;
  9. violate any property or non-material rights or legitimate interests of third parties, including materials that are the subject of intellectual property rights of third parties, except with the consent of the rightsholder;
  10. which are unauthorized promotional material, junk mail, spam, "chain letters" redirected to alias subdomains, "pyramid schemes" or other forms of customer engagement;
  11. containing information about foreign passwords or access rights without the consent of their holder, as well as software for accessing such passwords or rights;
  12. containing computer viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, disrupt or limit the operation of computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment;

When the User use LifeShouts.com Services they must:

  1. to immediately notify LifeShouts.com of any case of committed or open breach when using the Services provided;
  2. not to impersonate another person or representative of a legal person or group of persons that he is not authorized to represent, or otherwise mislead third parties about his or her identity or affiliation with a particular group of people;
  3. not to use methods that force the downloading of unwanted content by Internet users ("pop-ups", "blind links" and the like)
  4. By placing any information material, resource, image or other content on Site, the User grants LifeShouts.com the right to use, record, store, reproduce, distribute it publicly for the needs of and in connection with the provision of the Services, subject to these Terms of service.
  5. The User declares that he or she holds the copyright or other intellectual property rights or has the right to use the relevant material in the manner specified in this point, having acquired this right on legal, contractual or other legal basis, and that the disposition of this content on the Website pages and its use in accordance with these Terms and Conditions does not infringe the rights of third parties.
  6. The User is solely responsible for the legality of the User Content that it publishes or makes available through the use of the Services, as well as its actions for its publication and the consequences of such posting.
  7. If the User believes that his intellectual property rights have been infringed by another user and wishes to report an identified infringement of intellectual property rights related to User Content located on the Site, they should send a notification on Contact form (https://LifeShouts.com/contact-us). The notification of the alleged infringement must be in writing and must have at least the following content:
    1. Signature of the person or duly authorized representative of the right-holder allegedly infringed;
    2. Power of Attorney, if the notification is submitted through a proxy;
    3. Specific indication of User Content that is alleged to have been infringed (in the case of multiple content infringement - a comprehensive list of all material), as well as an exact URL allowing the User Content to be identified;
    4. Information sufficient for LifeShouts.com to be able to contact the notifying party, such as full names, address, telephone and e-mail address;
    5. Declaration by the notifier that he or she believes in good faith that the use of the User Content in the described manner is not allowed by the intellectual property right holder, its representatives and agents or by law;
    6. A statement that the information in the notification is true and that the person submitting it acts as the right-holder allegedly infringed or his or her legal representative and, accordingly, evidence certifying the ownership of the rights.
  8. LifeShouts.com is not responsible for the accuracy and legality of the User Content and the User's activity in connection with the use of the Services. In addition, LifeShouts.com shall not be liable for any damages caused to other Users by accessing or using such content provided to them by the User or made available through the Site.
  9. When using the Services of the Site, including, but not limited to, posting content on the Site or your participation in forums, chat rooms, or in any other way communicating with other Users through the Site, do not post, send and transmit material with unlawful, threatening, false, misleading, deceptive, obscene, offensive, defamatory, offensive, pornographic, obscene content or material that encourages the use of violence or other illegal or immoral acts Or prejudicial to the honor and dignity of other Users
  10. not post, transmit and transmit material that infringes on copyrights, related rights, trademark and other intellectual property rights, as well as privacy and other rights or other rights of third parties or which violate applicable law;
  11. not post, send and transmit personal information to others without their consent;
  12. not create user IDs by automated means or by fraud.
  13. not use personally identifiable information of other Users on the Site for purposes other than those set out in these Rules, and not interfere with the normal operation and harass or harass any other Users, including but not limited to , by sending an unreasonably large number of messages or messages containing threatening, shameful, offensive, obscene or obscene content;
  14. not register more than one account, and do not register an account using third party data, and do not attempt to impersonate another person using another person's Access Data.
  15. Any communication and interaction between the Users (through the Site, if applicable, the exchange of electronic messages or in any other way) is at their own risk. LifeShouts.com is not responsible for the actions of the Users. You must take the necessary precautions when interacting with other Users or with third parties you contact as a result of using the Site and the services provided through it.

Rights and obligations of the Provider

  1. The Provider undertakes actions and is responsible for eliminating the damages caused by his fault and bringing the Site back to normal operation as soon as possible after the reasons for this have ceased to exist.
  2. The Provider will notify its Users of its intention to carry out preventions, repairs and / or modifications of the Site, as well as the terms for interruption or deterioration of the quality of the Site.
  3. The Provider undertakes to protect the personal information provided by the User in accordance with the rules of the Personal Data Protection Act and other applicable legislation. Learn more about privacy policy here https://LifeShouts.com/privacy
  4. The Provider reserves the right to terminate immediately and unconditionally access to the Service of a User who attempts to tamper with or manipulate any part of the content of the Site. Where such attempts are established, it is at the discretion of the Provider that the competent authorities may be referred.
  5. The site may contain links to other sites or internet resources. The Provider does not control and is not responsible for the content, products, services or information contained in these links.
  6. The Provider is not responsible for the consequences arising from the improper use of the Site, as well as for the lack of ability of the User to use the Site;
  7. The Provider is not responsible for third party claims against the User in and in connection with the use of the Site;
  8. The Provider is not responsible for any damages caused to third parties when using the Site by the Users, as well as for the use of the Site for unlawful purposes in any way or illegal actions through the Site.
  9. The Provider shall not be liable if, in case of disability of the software or technical support of other operators on the Internet or of the telecommunication connections in the country, the User cannot use partially or fully the capabilities of the Site provided by the Provider.
  10. The Provider does not make payments on the Site and, if necessary, redirects the User to the respective Payment counterparties who have the necessary system for payment with bank cards, SMS or bank accounts. The User is obliged to make sure that the page of the respective Payment Counterparty to which it is redirected to make the payment has the necessary attributes and certificates for making the selected payment type.
  11. The Provider does not request or store payment information for Users. The information received from the Payment Counterparties, who have the necessary payment system and comply with regulatory requirements, is the only confirmation of payment made and serves to activate access to specific services on the Site.
  12. The Provider shall not be liable if the User does not properly follow the instructions for access to the respective payment system or if the fault for failure to provide the Service is beyond the competence of the Provider.

Forbid and suspension of access

The Provider reserves the right to forbid and / or suspend access in the following cases:

  1. in case of planned prevention or activities related to improvement of the quality parameters of the Site, as well as an accident;
  2. in case of power failure of the regional or national electricity grid until the power supply is restored;
  3. in circumstances of force majeure until their disappearance;
  4. when the User uses the Site in a way that impedes or interferes with the normal operation of other Users of the Provider or causes them harm;
  5. when the User commits another violation of the restrictions under these Terms of service;
  6. as a result of actions or acts of competent public authorities that restrict access to access;
  7. unilaterally, without notice, in case the User has not remedied the breach of any of his obligations;
  8. in the absence of technical availability.

Intellectual property, copyright and related rights

  1. All rights on the Site, as well as its contents, are subject to the intellectual property rights of the Provider and / or related to the Provider persons and are protected in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation and their unauthorized use is an offense.
  2. The content of the Site includes, but is not limited to, any text, images, music and audio-visual works, design, logos, layout, technology, trademarks, domain of the Site with all its elements (verbal, graphic and sound layout). It is the exclusive property of its respective owner, namely LifeShouts.com and / or its partners, clients, respectively the voluntarily posted Users. Therefore, the User undertakes not to copy, modify, publish, transmit, export, sell any protected information.
  3. By publishing / submitting intellectual property items, the User:
    1. confirms that it is the sole and exclusive holder of the rights to the posted / posted content or that it possesses the necessary rights, consents and licenses, and that the placement of such content on the Site and / or its submission and / or its use in accordance with these The Terms do not violate the rights of third parties;
    2. if necessary for the provision of the services accessible through the Site, gives LifeShouts.com a non-exclusive right to use the published / submitted materials, recording, storing, reproducing, copying, modifying, distributing, including offering access to an unlimited number of persons, allowing this access to be exercised from a location and at a time individually chosen by each of them, without having to pay a fee for it and without territorial restrictions (worldwide). This right is granted for the needs of and in connection with the provision of services accessible through the Site for the period of time for which the content uploaded by the respective User is available on the Site and within a reasonable period after its removal or deletion.
    3. grants to all other Users of the Site the non-exclusive right of access to the published materials, without any payment for this and without territorial restrictions (worldwide). The right under the preceding sentence is granted for the time for which the published content is available on the Site, as well as for a reasonable period after its removal or deletion.

Personal data

  1. Please also read our Privacy Policy, available here: https://lifeshouts.bg/privacy, before using the Services of the Site.
  2. The User agrees that when providing the services available on the Site, LifeShouts.com has the right to process its personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  3. By agreeing to these Terms of service, the User:
    1. confirms that it has been informed of its rights and obligations set out in these Terms of service;
    2. acknowledges that it voluntarily provides its personal data and any other information it provides in connection with the use of the Site;
    3. declares freely its informed and unambiguous consent of the Provider to collect and process, incl. and to provide to the third parties specified in the Privacy Policy, the personal data of the User and any other information provided by the User in accordance with the provisions of the current Bulgarian legislation and in accordance with the conditions and objectives specified in the Privacy Policy.
  4. The Site may contain links or links to websites maintained by third parties whose data processing activities are not controlled by the Provider. We warn Users that if they click on such a link, they will be redirected to the websites of these third parties. The Provider does not exercise control over such pages and persons and, accordingly, cannot assume any responsibility for the methods they use to process the personal data of their visitors and the related measures and procedures for personal data protection. Before beginning to use the content or services provided by the websites to which the Site refers, Users should familiarize themselves with the privacy policies and other policies and procedures regarding the personal data and other personal rights of their visitors, published on those websites. The Provider shall not be liable for any damages suffered and forfeited benefits incurred for Users as a result of access to and / or use of such websites, including in the event of their personal data rights being violated.

Additional provisions

  1. The provisions of the current Bulgarian legislation shall apply to all issues of access and services not settled in the General Terms of service.
  2. If any of the provisions of these Terms of service is invalid or inapplicable to a certain extent, it shall be substituted by law by the applicable provisions of the law and will not affect the validity of all other provisions.
  3. All possible disputes arising between the Provider and the User regarding the validity, performance, interpretation or termination of these Terms of service shall be settled by the parties in good faith through negotiations, consultations and mutually beneficial agreements, and when this is not possible, by the respective competent court. The applicable language for such possible contradictions will be English.
  4. Any questions from the User can be sent through the Contact form (https://LifeShouts.com/contact-us)