Are You a True Legend of Zelda Fan? Take the Quiz

Think you’re a Legend of Zelda expert? Test your knowledge of this legendary series with our ultimate fan quiz. Let’s see if you’re worthy of wielding the Triforce!

Are You a True Legend of Zelda Fan? Take the Quiz

This image was created with the assistance of Leonardo.Ai

Since its debut in 1986, The Legend of Zelda has become one of the most iconic and beloved franchises in gaming history. With its timeless blend of adventure, exploration, and puzzle-solving, the series has transported players to the magical land of Hyrule time and time again.

From the original game on the NES to the breathtaking open world of Breath of the Wild, each installment has offered unforgettable experiences and lore.

Whether it’s wielding the Master Sword, solving puzzles in dungeons, or battling iconic villains like Ganon, every Zelda fan has their favorite memories. But how well do you know the series’ characters, locations, and lore?

Can you name the sage of time or recall where Link first faced a Lynel? This quiz will test your knowledge of The Legend of Zelda and separate the true fans from the Kokiri beginners.

What is the name of the princess Link is tasked with saving in most games?
Princess MidnaPrincess ZeldaPrincess HildaPrincess Marin
What is the name of the land where most of the games take place?
Which item is often used to reflect light?
The Mirror ShieldThe HookshotThe Lens of TruthThe Deku Leaf
What is the recurring main villain’s name in the series?
In the original game, an old man gives Link a sword. In the new game, an old man gives Link…?
A Bow and ArrowBaked ApplesSpirit FluteA Shield
What is the name of the kingdom Link visits in Majora’s Mask?
What are the three pieces of the Triforce?
Strength, Knowledge, JusticeHonor, Spirit, FortitudeValor, Intelligence, StrengthPower, Wisdom, Courage
In Breath of the Wild, what is the name of the Sheikah tool that aids Link with maps and abilities?
Lens of TruthSheikah SlateAncient CompassRito Scope
Which race in Hyrule is known for living in the mountains and eating rocks?
What is the name of Link’s sword, often used to defeat evil?
Master SwordKokiri SwordBiggoron’s SwordFour Sword
Which game features a dark version of Hyrule called Lorule?
Phantom HourglassA Link Between WorldsSpirit TracksTwilight Princess
In Wind Waker, what is Link’s primary mode of transportation?
A flying birdA boat called the King of Red LionsA teleportation portalA magical carriage
What is the name of the mischievous mask-wearing villain in Majora’s Mask?
Skull KidDemiseVaatiZant
Which divine creatures guard the Triforce in Hyrule’s creation story?
Din, Nayru, and FaroreMajora, Vaati, and ZantGanon, Demise, and LinkHylia, Midna, and Rauru
In Twilight Princess, what is the name of Link’s Twili companion who guides him through the Twilight Realm?
What is the name of Link’s talking hat in The Minish Cap?
In Skyward Sword, what is the name of the floating island where Link starts his journey?
Outset IslandGreat PlateauWindfall IslandSkyloft
What is the name of Link’s loyal horse?
What is the name of the race of aquatic beings in Hyrule?
In Breath of the Wild, what are the massive mechanical beasts called?
Divine BeastsSacred GuardiansSpirit VesselsTitan Mechs

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