Are You Scully or Mulder from X-Files? ๐Ÿ‘ฝ

Are you guided by facts and science like Scully, or are you driven by intuition and an open mind like Mulder?

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from "The X-Files" are two of the most iconic characters in television history, known for their distinct approaches to solving the series' many mysteries. Mulder, the believer, is open to all possibilities, no matter how outlandish, while Scully, the skeptic, relies on scientific and logical reasoning.

Today we will help you determine which of these two characters you are more like, based on your approach to problem-solving, belief in the supernatural, and your general outlook on life. Are you guided by facts and science like Scully, or are you driven by intuition and an open mind like Mulder?

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