Choose a Hogwarts House and Find Out Which Harry Potter Character You'd Befriend!

Which Harry Potter character would be your best friend? ๐Ÿช„ Choose your Hogwarts House and discover if youโ€™d be besties with Luna, Neville, Draco, or the Weasley twins! โšกโœจ

Hogwarts isn’t just about spells and potions—it’s about the friendships that shape your magical journey! The house you choose at Hogwarts says a lot about who you are, and it also determines which Harry Potter character would be your perfect companion. ๐Ÿช„

Whether you’re a brave Gryffindor, a wise Ravenclaw, a kind-hearted Hufflepuff, or a cunning Slytherin, your choice will reveal the witch or wizard who would stand by your side through every adventure.

Would you form an unbreakable bond with a daring troublemaker, a loyal protector, or a genius strategist? Step into the Great Hall, pick your house, and let’s find out who your magical best friend would be! โšกโœจ

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