Does He Like Me? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

Wondering if he likes you? Take this quiz to get some clues about his feelings! Answer the questions honestly and find out if he’s really into you!

Does He Like Me? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 

Are you feeling those butterflies when you're around him but wondering if he's feeling the same way? 🦋

If you've been questioning whether he's showing signs of interest or just being friendly, this quiz is here to help! From subtle body language to little gestures, sometimes it can be hard to read the signs.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Answer the following questions honestly, and let’s see if he’s into you as much as you think. Get ready for some fun insight into your romantic situation—let’s find out if he likes you!

Remember, this quiz is just for fun! While it might give you some clues, the best way to know for sure is to communicate openly with him. Now, let’s dive into the quiz and discover the truth!

How often does he initiate contact with you?
Almost every time, whether it's a message or in personSometimes, but it’s usually when I reach out firstRarely, he only responds when I start the conversationNever, I always have to make the first move
When you talk to him, how does he act?
He seems really engaged and makes an effort to keep the conversation goingHe seems interested but sometimes distracted or gives short answersHe’s polite but doesn’t seem too engaged in the conversationHe doesn’t seem to put much effort into the conversation at all
How does he behave when you're in a group?
He makes an effort to sit near me or engage with me specificallyHe’s friendly and talks to me, but also interacts with others equallyHe’s mostly social with the group, doesn’t give me extra attentionHe barely acknowledges me in a group setting
Has he given you any compliments or kind words?
Yes, often—he tells me I look good or praises my personalityA few times, but they’re not consistent or particularly personalNot really, just the occasional “Hey, you look nice”He hasn’t really complimented me or shown any interest like that
What’s his body language when you’re together?
He maintains eye contact, smiles a lot, and leans in when we talkHe looks at me occasionally and smiles, but not too much interactionHe doesn’t seem to notice much—his body language is indifferentHe seems disinterested or distant in his body language
When you make plans, how does he respond?
He’s always excited to hang out and suggests things to do togetherHe agrees to plans but doesn’t seem too enthusiastic about itHe often cancels plans or seems uninterested in making new onesHe never takes the initiative to make plans, and I have to do all the organizing
How does he act when you're around other people?
He always tries to make sure he’s part of the conversation or groupHe seems comfortable around others, but still gives me attentionHe’s focused on the group and doesn’t really single me outHe doesn’t seem to care much when I’m talking to other people

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