English Spelling Quiz: Can You Answer All 20 Questions?
From common everyday words to slightly more challenging ones, see how well you can spell!
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Test your spelling skills with this English spelling quiz!
You'll be presented with words, and your task is to select the correctly spelled word out of four options. From common everyday words to slightly more challenging ones, see how well you can spell!
Which word is spelled correctly?
AccommodationAcommodationAcommmodationAccomodationChoose the correctly spelled word.
NecessarryNecessaryNeccessaryNecesarySelect the correctly spelled word.
ReceeveReceveReceiveRecieveIdentify the correctly spelled word.
EmbarassEmbarrasssEmbarrassEmbarasssWhich word is spelled correctly?
ConscientiousConscienctiousConscienciousConscientousChoose the correctly spelled word.
PrivilagePriviledgePrivelegePrivilegeSelect the correctly spelled word.
DefinitelyDefinetelyDefinatelyDefinatlyIdentify the correctly spelled word.
OccationallyOccassionallyOccassionallyOccasionallyWhich word is spelled correctly?
AcciddentallyAccidentalallyAccidentllyAccidentallyChoose the correctly spelled word.
ManeuverManuoverManouverManuverSelect the correctly spelled word.
PhysicianPhsyicianFysicianPhisicianIdentify the correctly spelled word.
OccurranceOcurranceOccurrenceOcurrenceWhich word is spelled correctly?
CommitteeComitteComiteeComitteeChoose the correctly spelled word.
PerserverencePerseverencePerserverancePerseveranceSelect the correctly spelled word.
RhythemRythmRhythmRhythymIdentify the correctly spelled word.
ConscioussConciousConsciusConsciousWhich word is spelled correctly?
MaintananceMaintainanceMaintenanceMaintenenceChoose the correctly spelled word.
AmatureAmatuerAmatuerAmateurSelect the correctly spelled word.
LicenseLicenceLiscenceLisenceIdentify the correctly spelled word.
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