Horror Trivia Challenge: Match the Horror Icons to the Franchise!

Grab your flashlight, keep your wits about you, and let’s see how well you know the horror genre’s most iconic villains. Can you match the horror icon to the correct movie franchise? Let’s find out… if you dare!

Horror Trivia Challenge: Match the Horror Icons to the Franchise!

This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 

The horror genre has produced some of the most terrifying and unforgettable characters in film history. These horror icons, from masked slashers to supernatural entities, have haunted our dreams and left a lasting impact on pop culture. Whether they’re lurking in the shadows or stalking their prey with eerie persistence, these characters have become synonymous with the horror franchises they come from.

But do you know which franchise each iconic villain belongs to? In this quiz, we’ll challenge your knowledge of horror films by asking you to match each terrifying character to the franchise they’ve made famous. From classic horror legends like Freddy Krueger to modern-day nightmares like Pennywise, this quiz will put your horror movie knowledge to the test.

If you’re a true horror fan, you should have no problem identifying these killers, creatures, and supernatural entities! Grab your flashlight, keep your wits about you, and let’s see how well you know the horror genre’s most iconic villains. Can you match the horror icon to the correct movie franchise? Let’s find out… if you dare!

Which horror franchise features Freddy Krueger?
A Nightmare on Elm StreetHalloweenThe Texas Chainsaw MassacreFriday the 13th
In which horror franchise does Michael Myers appear?
A Nightmare on Elm StreetHalloweenThe Texas Chainsaw MassacreScream
Which franchise features Jason Voorhees as the main villain?
A Nightmare on Elm StreetHalloweenFriday the 13thScream
Where can you find the character Leatherface?
Friday the 13thThe Texas Chainsaw MassacreScreamHalloween
In which horror franchise does Ghostface appear?
Friday the 13thHalloweenThe Texas Chainsaw MassacreScream
What horror franchise is known for Chucky, the killer doll?
Child’s PlayHellraiserSawA Nightmare on Elm Street
Which horror movie franchise features the villain Pinhead?
SawThe ConjuringHellraiserChild’s Play
In which horror franchise does Pennywise appear?
ItThe Texas Chainsaw MassacreThe ConjuringScream
Which horror franchise features the Jigsaw killer?
The PurgeSawFinal DestinationHostel
In which franchise does the character Norman Bates appear?
HalloweenThe ShiningPsychoThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Which horror franchise includes the murderous entity known as The Nun?
The ConjuringSinisterInsidiousPoltergeist
Where can you find the terrifying character Samara?
The RingFinal DestinationThe ExorcistThe Grudge
In which franchise does the villain John Kramer appear?
SawCandyman HellraiserThe Conjuring
Which horror franchise includes the terrifying figure known as The Tall Man?
InsidiousPhantasmThe ShiningPoltergeist
In which franchise does the character Regan MacNeil appear?
SinisterThe ConjuringThe ExorcistThe Omen
What franchise features the character Damien Thorn?
The ConjuringThe OmenItThe Exorcist
Where does the character Jack Torrance appear as the main antagonist?
The OmenThe ShiningSawPsycho
Which horror franchise features the character Kayako, the vengeful ghost?
SinisterThe RingThe GrudgeThe Conjuring
Which franchise features a cursed videotape that dooms its viewers?
Final DestinationSinisterThe GrudgeThe Ring
In which film does the entity known as Bughuul appear?
The RingSinisterInsidiousThe Conjuring

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