Pretty Little Liars Quiz: Are You a Leader or a Mystery, Like Alison DiLaurentis?

Are you a bold leader like Alison DiLaurentis or a mysterious mastermind like "A"? 👑🔪 Take this Pretty Little Liars quiz and find out if you’re calling the shots or hiding in the shadows! 🕵️‍♀️✨

The world of Pretty Little Liars is filled with secrets, power plays, and hidden agendas. Some people are natural leaders, controlling the room like Alison DiLaurentis, while others thrive in mystery, keeping their true intentions hidden like “A.”

Are you the one calling the shots, leaving everyone hanging on your every word? Or are you a master of deception, keeping your secrets locked away?

Calling all Pretty Little Liars fans! Dive into theories, trivia, and quizzes on our Pretty Little Liars Fan Board—can you uncover the secrets of Rosewood? 

🔎 Take this quiz to find out if you’re a bold leader or a mysterious enigma, just like Alison! Answer these seven questions, and by the end, you’ll know which role you play in the game of secrets.

Let’s uncover the truth… if you dare. 👀🔪

What’s your role in your friend group?
The leader—I naturally take charge.The quiet one—I prefer to observe.The troublemaker—I love stirring things up.The secret-keeper—no one ever knows what I’m really thinking.
Someone spreads a rumor about you. How do you handle it?
Confront it head-on—I won’t let anyone control my narrative.Act like I don’t care, but quietly figure out who started it.Play along and make it even juicier.Say nothing—I like keeping people guessing.
What’s your biggest strength?
Confidence—I know how to lead and influence others.Intelligence—I think ahead and always have a plan.Manipulation—I can turn any situation to my advantage.Mystery—no one ever truly knows what’s going on with me.
How do you handle confrontation?
I face it directly—people respect my presence.I strategize—I make sure to strike when it benefits me most.I deflect and confuse—why fight when I can outsmart?I disappear—let them wonder where I went.
Which quote sounds like something you’d say?
"I don’t follow the crowd—I lead it.""You think you know me? Think again.""Secrets are a girl’s best weapon.""I’d rather be a mystery than an open book."
How do you want people to see you?
As powerful and unforgettable.As smart and unpredictable.As charming but dangerous.As a puzzle no one can solve.
If you had to send a message as "A," what would it be?
"Game on, bitches.""I see everything. You’ll never find me.""Secrets have a price… hope you’re ready to pay.""Guess who’s one step ahead? Always."

Calling all Pretty Little Liars fans! Dive into theories, trivia, and quizzes on our Pretty Little Liars Fan Board—can you uncover the secrets of Rosewood? 

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