I have read - nay, I have bought! - Carlyle's 'Latter Day Pamphlets,' and look on my eight shillings as very much thrown away. To me it appears that the grain of sense is so smothered up in a sack of the sheerest trash, that the former is valueless....I look on him as a man who was always in danger of going mad in literature and who has now done so.
Anthony TrollopeI do like a little romance... just a sniff, as I call it, of the rocks and valleys. Of course, bread-and-cheese is the real thing. The rocks and valleys are no good at all, if you haven't got that.
Anthony TrollopeShe was as one who, in madness, was resolute to throw herself from a precipice, but to whom some remnant of sanity remained which forced her to seek those who would save her from herself.
Anthony TrollopeLittle bits of things make me do it; โ perhaps a word that I said and ought not to have said ten years ago; โ the most ordinary little mistakes, even my own past thoughts to myself about the merest trifles. They are always making me shiver.
Anthony TrollopeBut then in novels the most indifferent hero comes out right at last. Some god comes out of a theatrical cloud and leaves the poor devil ten thousand-a-year and a title.
Anthony TrollopeBook love... is your pass to the greatest, the purest, and the most perfect pleasure that God has prepared for His creatures.
Anthony TrollopeThe law is a great thing,--because men are poor and weak, and bad. And it is great, because where it exists in its strength, no tyrant can be above it. But between you and me there should be no mention of law as the guide of conduct. Speak to me of honour, and of duty, and of nobility; and tell me what they require of you.
Anthony TrollopeA small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.
Anthony TrollopeIt may almost be a question whether such wisdom as many of us have in our mature years has not come from the dying out of the power of temptation, rather than as the results of thought and resolution.
Anthony TrollopeNo living orator would convince a grocer that coffee should be sold without chicory; and no amount of eloquence will make an English lawyer think that loyalty to truth should come before loyalty to his client.
Anthony TrollopeTo feel that your hours are filled to overflowing, that you can barely steal minutes enough for sleep, that the welfare of many is entrusted to you, that the world looks on and approves, that some good is always being done to others -- above all things some good to your country; -- that is happiness.
Anthony TrollopeThe mind of the thinker and the student is driven to admit, though it be awe-struck by apparent injustice, that this inequality is the work of God. Make all men equal to-day, and God has so created them that they shall be all unequal to-morrow.
Anthony TrollopeOne wants in a Prime Minister a good many things, but not very great things. He should be clever but need not be a genius; he should be conscientious but by no means strait-laced; he should be cautious but never timid, bold but never venturesome; he should have a good digestion, genial manners, and, above all, a thick skin.
Anthony TrollopeIt has now become the doctrine of a large clan of politicians that political honesty is unnecessary, slow, subversive of a man's interests, and incompatible with quick onward movement.
Anthony TrollopeThe satirist who writes nothing but satire should write but little - or it will seem that his satire springs rather from his own caustic nature than from the sins of the world in which he lives.
Anthony TrollopeOf Dickens' style it is impossible to speak in praise. It is jerky, ungrammatical, and created by himself in defiance of rules... No young novelist should ever dare to imitate the style of Dickens.
Anthony TrollopeIt has become a certainty now that if you will only advertise sufficiently you may make a fortune by selling anything.
Anthony TrollopeI judge a man by his actions with men, much more than by his declarations Godwards - When I find him to be envious, carping, spiteful, hating the successes of others, and complaining that the world has never done enough for him, I am apt to doubt whether his humility before God will atone for his want of manliness.
Anthony TrollopeThere was but one thing for him;- to persevere till he got her, or till he had finally lost her. And should the latter be his fate, as he began to fear that it would be, then, he would live, but live only, like a crippled man.
Anthony TrollopeBut then the pastors and men of God can only be human,--cannot altogether be men of God; and so they have oppressed us, and burned us, and tortured us, and hence come to love palaces, and fine linen, and purple, and, alas, sometimes, mere luxury and idleness.
Anthony TrollopeMen who can succeed in deceiving no one else, will succeed at last in deceiving themselves.
Anthony TrollopeMarvelous is the power which can be exercised, almost unconsciously, over a company, or an individual, or even upon a crowd by one person gifted with good temper, good digestion, good intellects, and good looks.
Anthony TrollopeWhen any practice has become the fixed rule of the society in which we live, it is always wise to adhere to that rule, unless it call upon us to do something that is actually wrong. One should not offend the prejudices of the world, even if one is quite sure that they are prejudices.
Anthony TrollopeSpeaking of New York as a traveller I have two faults to find with it. In the first place there is nothing to see; and in the second place there is no mode of getting about to see anything.
Anthony TrollopeCredit is a matter so subtle in its essence, that, as it may be obtained almost without reason, so, without reason, may it be made to melt away.
Anthony TrollopeBut the hobbledehoy, though he blushes when women address him, and is uneasy even when he is near them, though he is not master ofhis limbs in a ball-room, and is hardly master of his tongue at any time, is the most eloquent of beings, and especially eloquent among beautiful women.
Anthony TrollopeI don't like anybody or anything," said Lucinda. Yes, you do;--you like horses to ride, and dresses to wear.
Anthony TrollopeThere are some points on which no man can be contented to follow the advice of another - some subjects on which a man can consult his own conscience only.
Anthony TrollopeI do not think myself to be a worm, and a grub, grass of the field fit only to be burned, a clod, a morsel of putrid atoms that should be thrown to the dungheap, ready for the nethermost pit. Nor if I did should I therefore expect to sit with Angels and Archangels.
Anthony TrollopeWhat on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?...Was ever anything so civil?
Anthony TrollopeI cannot hold with those who wish to put down the insignificant chatter of the world.
Anthony TrollopeIt is hard to rescue a man from the slough of luxury and idleness combined. If anything can do it, it is a cradle filled annually.
Anthony TrollopeIn these days a man is nobody unless his biography is kept so far posted up that it may be ready for the national breakfast-table on the morning after his demise.
Anthony Trollope