The universe may have a purpose, but nothing we know suggests that, if so, this purpose has any similarity to ours.
Bertrand RussellOne of the main causes of trouble in the world is dogmatic and fanatical belief in some doctrine for which there is no adequate evidence
Bertrand RussellWe may say, in a broad way, that Greek philosophy down to Aristotle expresses the mentality appropriate to the City State; that Stoicism is appropriate to a cosmopolitan despotism; that stochastic philosophy is an intellectual expression of the Church as an organization; that philosophy since Descartes, or at any rate since Locke, tends to embody the prejudices of the commercial middle class; and that Marxism and Fascism are the philosophies appropriate to the modern industrial state.
Bertrand RussellHerd pressure is to be judged by two things: first, its intensity, and second, its direction.
Bertrand RussellAll who are not lunatics are agreed about certain things : That it is better to be alive than dead, better to be adequately fed than starved, better to be free than a slave
Bertrand RussellWhen the intensity of emotional conviction subsides, a man who is in the habit of reasoning will search for logical grounds in favour of the belief which he finds in himself.
Bertrand RussellAs soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely upon authority, there is no end to our troubles.
Bertrand RussellOf these austerer virtues the love of truth is the chief, and in mathematics, more than elsewhere, the love of truth may find encouragement for waning faith. Every great study is not only an end in itself, but also a means of creating and sustaining a lofty habit of mind; and this purpose should be kept always in view throughout the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Bertrand RussellWhen you meet with opposition, even if it should be from your husband or your children, endeavor to overcome it by argument and not by authority, for a victory dependent upon authority is unreal and illusory.
Bertrand RussellHave no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found
Bertrand RussellThe demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless an intellectual vice.
Bertrand RussellAristotle and Plato considered Greeks so innately superior to barbarians that slavery is justified so long as the master is Greek and the slave barbarian.
Bertrand RussellUnless a man has been taught what to do with success after getting it, the achievement of it must inevitably leave him a prey to boredom.
Bertrand RussellThe modern man thinks that everything ought to be done for the sake of something else, and never for its own sake.
Bertrand RussellWe are ... led to a somewhat vague distinction between what we may call "hard" data and "soft" data. This distinction is a matter of degree, and must not be pressed; but if not taken too seriously it may help to make the situation clear. I mean by "hard" data those which resist the solvent influence of critical reflection, and by "soft" data those which, under the operation of this process, become to our minds more or less doubtful.
Bertrand RussellMen fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth - more than ruin, more even than death.
Bertrand RussellBoys and girls should be taught respect for each other's liberty... and that jealousy and possessiveness kill love.
Bertrand RussellWhat else is there to make life tolerable? We stand on the shore of an ocean, crying to the night and to emptiness. Sometimes a voice of one drowning, and in a moment the silence returns. The world seems to me quite dreadful, the unhappiness of many people is very great, and I often wonder how they all endure it. It is usually the central thing around which their lives are built, and I suppose if they did not live most of their lives in the things of the moment, they would not be able to go on.
Bertrand RussellBoys and young men acquire readily the moral sentiments of their social milieu, whatever these sentiments may be.
Bertrand RussellThe psychology of adultery has been falsified by conventional morals, which assume, in monogamous countries, that attraction to one person cannot coexist with affection for another. Everybody knows that this is untrue.
Bertrand RussellBe scrupulously truthful, even if the truth is inconvenient, for it is more inconvenient when you try to conceal it.
Bertrand RussellThe immense majority of intellectually eminent men disbelieve in the Christian religion, but they conceal the fact in public, because they are afraid of losing their incomes.
Bertrand RussellBut it is just this characteristic of simplicity in the laws of nature hitherto discovered which it would be fallacious to generalize, for it is obvious that simplicity has been a part cause of their discovery, and can, therefore, give no ground for the supposition that other undiscovered laws are equally simple.
Bertrand RussellWhat the world needs is not dogma but an attitude of scientific inquiry combined with a belief that the torture of millions is not desirable, whether inflicted by Stalin or by a Deity imagined in the likeness of the believer
Bertrand RussellThe secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile.
Bertrand RussellTo be happy in this world, especially when youth is past, it is necessary to feel oneself not merely an isolated individual whose day will soon be over, but part of the stream of life flowing on from the first germ to the remote and unknown future.
Bertrand RussellIn human relations one should penetrate to the core of loneliness in each person and speak to that.
Bertrand RussellContempt for happiness is usually contempt for other people's happiness, and is an elegant disguise for hatred of the human race.
Bertrand RussellThere is exactly the same degree of possibility and likelihood of the existence of the Christian God as there is of the existence of the Homeric god. I cannot prove that either the Christian god or the Homeric gods do not exist, but I do not think that their existence is an alternative that is sufficiently probable to be worth serious consideration.
Bertrand RussellIf one man offers you democracy and another offers you a bag of grain, at what stage of starvation do you prefer the grain to the vote?
Bertrand RussellThe tragedy of the people of Palestine is that their country was โgivenโ by a foreign power to another people for the creation of a new state. The result was that many hundreds of thousands of innocent people were made permanently homeless. With every new conflict their numbers increased. How much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty?
Bertrand RussellOne of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.
Bertrand RussellPure mathematics consists entirely of assertions to the effect that, if such and such a proposition is true of anything, then suchand such another proposition is true of that thing.... Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.
Bertrand RussellThe sentiments of an adult are compounded of a kernel of instinct surrounded by a vast husk of education.
Bertrand RussellWe are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.
Bertrand Russell