You are to have implicit confidence in your own ability, knowing that it is the nature of thought to externalize itself in your health and affairs, knowing that you are the thinker.
Ernest HolmesWe may stumble, but always there is that eternal voice, forever whispering within our ear, that thing which causes the eternal quest, that thing which forever sings and sings.
Ernest HolmesThere is One Infinite Mind which of necessity includes all that is, whether it be the intelligence in man, the life in the animal, or the invisible Presence which is God.
Ernest HolmesYou can be on the cusp of something. Appreciate the cusp, not the something. Appreciate this moment now.
Ernest HolmesEverything necessary to the full and complete expression of the most boundless experience of joy is mine now.
Ernest HolmesWe have within us, a power that is greater than anything we shall ever contact in the outer, a power that can overcome every obstacle in our life and set us safe, satisfied and at peace, healed and prosperous, in a new light, and in a new life.
Ernest HolmesLife is not just something to be endured. It is to be lived in joy, in a fullness without limit (p.82)
Ernest HolmesNo one can rob us of our own soul, and our spirit is already one with the eternal goodness.
Ernest HolmesA realization of the Presence of God is the most powerful healing agency known to the mind of man.
Ernest HolmesTo believe in a just law of cause and effect, carrying with it a punishment or a reward, is to believe in righteousness.
Ernest HolmesA constant realization of the presence of Spirit will provide a sense of Divine Companionship that no other attitude could produce.
Ernest HolmesWhatever the mind holds to and firmly believes in, forms a new pattern of though within its creative mold, as whatever thought is held in the mind tends to take outward form in new creations.
Ernest HolmesBorrowing knowledge of reality from all sources, taking the best from every study, Science of Mind brings together the highest enlightenment of the ages.
Ernest HolmesNo person whose entire time is spent in the contemplation of limitation can demonstrate freedom from such limitation.
Ernest HolmesTeach and practice, practice and teach - that is all we have; that is all we are good for; that is all we ever ought to do.
Ernest HolmesDefinitely I know that every negative condition of the past is cleared away from my consciousness. I no longer think about it, see it, or believe in it. Nor do I believe that it has any effect whatsoever in my experience. Yesterday is not, tomorrow is not, but today, bright with hope and filled with promise, is mine. Today I live.
Ernest HolmesIn principle the great religions of the world do not differ as much as they appear to.
Ernest HolmesNature will not let us stay in any one place for too long. She will let us stay just long enough to gather the experience necessary to the unfolding and advancement of the soul. This is a wise provision, for should we stay there too long, we would become too set, too rigid, too inflexible. Nature demands change in order that we may advance.
Ernest Holmes..Whoever dewlls on beauty tends to become beautiful; there will be a grace and charm to expressing itself through that person which no one can fail to recognize and appreciate.
Ernest HolmesWe are continuously living a new life, and when the old and the new do not fit nicely together, the old - no longer able to contain the new - should be discarded.
Ernest HolmesYou can attract only that which you mentally become and feel yourself to be in reality.
Ernest HolmesToo often, our minds are so burdened because of the mistakes we have made that we do not take the time to forgive ourselves and others and start over again.
Ernest HolmesWe can no more do without spirituality than we can do without food, shelter, or clothing.
Ernest HolmesWe should daily feel a deeper union with Life, a greater sense of that Indwelling God - the God of the seen and of the unseen - within us.
Ernest HolmesToday I do affirm that I am Divinely guided...There is that within which knows what to do and how to do it, and it compels me to act on what it knows.
Ernest HolmesThe person who is to succeed will never let his mind dwell on past mistakes. He will forgive the past in his life and in the lives of other people. If he makes a mistake he will at once forgive it.
Ernest HolmesWhen prayer removes distrust and doubt and enters the field of mental certainty, it becomes faith; and the universe is built on faith.
Ernest HolmesWe must be convinced that abundance is the natural state of the Universe. To experience and accept abundance in our life, we must be convinced that as we conceive and believe, the Universe handles the details.
Ernest HolmesLife is infinite energy coupled with limitless creative imagination. It is the invisible essence and substance of every visible form. Its nature is goodness, truth, wisdom and beauty, as well as energy and imagination. Our highest satisfaction comes from a sense of conscious union with this invisible Life. All human endeavor is an attempt to get back to first principles, to find such an inward wholeness that all sense of fear, doubt and uncertainty vanishes.
Ernest Holmes