I'm convinced that, in the long term, a monetary union includes a joint debt policy under strict, mutually agreed upon conditions.
Jean-Claude JunckerIn Europe, even more so than in national politics, we have to follow the principle laid down by Martin Luther: Use language that the people will understand, but don't just tell them what they want to hear.
Jean-Claude JunckerIt is not acceptable that European Union countries are divided into those who give and those who take.
Jean-Claude JunckerI have another explanation [of Brexit]: In its 43 years of EU membership, Britain has never been able to decide whether it wants to fully or only partially belong to the EU.
Jean-Claude JunckerI have a plan. It entails leading to a fair deal and relationship with the British. We will be reasonable, but we will also negotiate firmly and without gullibility. I believe we must come to an agreement for the people of Britain and the people on the Continent, but not under exclusively British terms.
Jean-Claude JunckerI'm always quite amazed that people in Europe become unnerved when two institutions or two people have different views.
Jean-Claude JunckerBut anyone who believes that the eternal issue of war and peace in Europe has been permanently laid to rest could be making a monumental error. The demons haven't been banished; they are merely sleeping, as the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo have shown us.
Jean-Claude JunckerStories are invented: Juncker wants to introduce the euro everywhere or immediately deepen the EU - although I publicly stated the opposite that same day.
Jean-Claude JunckerAfter 30 years in Brussels, I can tell you: The relationship between the Commission and the Parliament has probably never been as good as it is now.
Jean-Claude JunckerIn politics, there are different categories of friendship. My friendship with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, for example .
Jean-Claude JunckerI notice with a certain sense of regret that far too many Europeans are returning to a regional and national mindset.
Jean-Claude JunckerI like Macron a lot and I very much welcome him - particularly the fact that he made Europe one of the main topics of the election debate.
Jean-Claude JunckerThe will of the British people must now be put into effect as quickly as possible. Under Article 50 of the EU Treaty the UK must leave the European Union within two years at the latest.
Jean-Claude JunckerI assumed office to bring the EU to a point from which there is no going back. Instead, I am having to unwind the EU to a certain extent.
Jean-Claude JunckerMy father was a steel worker and Martin's [Schulz] grandfather was a miner in Saarland. In these occupations, there is a particular awareness of solidarity. That creates links that aren't present in other relationships.
Jean-Claude JunckerI completely agree with Helmut Kohl. I am not an advocate of the "United States of Europe," nor am I an integration fanatic.
Jean-Claude JunckerNow people are criticizing Europe, the European Commission, Juncker and the whole lot because the distribution of refugees didn't succeed immediately. But you also have to recognize that close to 20,000 refugees have already been redistributed. There are only a few member states that do not want to take part.
Jean-Claude JunckerI would have thought that they [Boris Johnson and Nigel Farag] would have had a plan,instead of developing a plan they are leaving the boat.
Jean-Claude JunckerThe Greek nation has to be respected. I am not in the camp of those who openly want to humiliate Greece.
Jean-Claude JunckerBetween now and then, after 43 years of European marriage, the whole body of legislation will therefore have to be disentangled. That entails a whole range of specific and very complex questions: what will be the future legal status of the millions of EU citizens in the UK and the millions of Britons on the continent?
Jean-Claude JunckerWithout the Turkey agreement, tens of thousands of refugees would still be stuck in Greece. The Commission presented proposals for securing Europe's external borders early on, but they languished in the Council for months. As you can see, the Commission isn't asleep. Oftentimes it has to wake up the others.
Jean-Claude JunckerAs a human being I am personally saddened, as I have a great deal of respect for the large number of British colleagues I have worked with over the years. That is why I personally invested countless hours, days and nights, in negotiating a fair deal for the United Kingdom.
Jean-Claude JunckerAnyone who believes that the eternal question of war and peace in Europe is no longer there risks being deeply mistaken.
Jean-Claude JunckerI am in favor of the European institutions being led for the next two-and-a-half years as they have been thus far. We need stability.
Jean-Claude JunckerMy friendship with Martin [Schulz], by contrast, is completely different in that it goes far beyond politics.
Jean-Claude JunckerWith their charm and legendary sense of humor, the British directly or indirectly paved the way for a large number of European compromises.
Jean-Claude JunckerThose who are saying that Mario Draghi is in the camp of those trying to push Greece outside the Euroarea, are wrong.
Jean-Claude JunckerThere is a distorted perception of what goes on in Brussels. No one reports on the Commission taking a hundred initiatives from its predecessor off the table in order to shift competencies back to member state governments.
Jean-Claude JunckerI was never presented with the details as far as the collective bargaining system is Greece. I am in favor of a normal system without giving the labour minister the right to extend the results to extend the result of the collective bargaining to the whole of the real economy. The government has to make sure that the results will not harm the situation of small and medium enterprises.
Jean-Claude JunckerIn the highest government office, you have to be ready to bow out at any time, otherwise you are not a free individual anymore.
Jean-Claude JunckerThe position of EU commissioner for economic and monetary affairs could be combined with the office of Euro Group chairman. That job would be a great challenge for anyone who assumed it. On the one hand, he would have to make proposals. On the other hand, he would have to negotiate compromises with his European counterparts.
Jean-Claude JunckerWe must also take this opportunity to learn from the situation [of Brexit], just as we learned from the refugee and debt crises.
Jean-Claude JunckerI am for it - not to make a threat, but to make clear that decisions that have been made are applicable law, even if you have voted against it. At issue here is European solidarity, which cannot be a one-way street. The traffic has to move in both directions.
Jean-Claude JunckerI urge everyone to be patient and reasonable and I warn against shooting from the hip in the truest sense of the term. Pressure and dialogue are needed.
Jean-Claude JunckerThe way some German politicians have lashed out at Greece when the country fell into the crisis has left deep wounds there. I was just as shocked by the banners of protesters in Athens that showed the German chancellor in a Nazi uniform.
Jean-Claude JunckerI have known a great many politicians who have not managed to stay in power for 16 years. I have nevertheless already managed to remain at the helm for 18 years. I still want to achieve a great many things for my country. Experience is not a disadvantage here, especially as the head of government of a small country in a European setting that has become more difficult.
Jean-Claude JunckerAngela Merkel did the right thing. Her decision and the extraordinary willingness of the German people to take in refugees conveyed an image of Germany that is still having positive repercussions today. Unfortunately, people in Germany are no longer seeing that.
Jean-Claude JunckerThe good thing about the European Union is that the joint project ultimately benefits all Member States and not just a few.
Jean-Claude JunckerOne shouldn't pursue the wrong policies just because one is afraid of not being reelected. Those who intend to govern have to take responsibility for their countries and for Europe as a whole. This means, if need be, that they have to pursue the right policies, even if many voters think they are the wrong ones.
Jean-Claude Juncker