A vain man can never be altogether rude. Desirous as he is of pleasing, he fashions his manners after those of others.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWhat is the true test of character unless it be its progressive development in the bustle and turmoil, in the action and reaction of daily life.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheNature is so perfect that the Trinity couldn't have fashioned her any more perfect. She is an organ on which our Lord plays and the devil works the bellows.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheTo the world you might be one person, but to one person, you might be the world. Kindness is the golden chain by which our world is bound together.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe old lose one of the greatest privileges of man, for they are no longer judged by their contemporaries.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIs this the destiny of man? Is he only happy before he has acquired his reason or after he has lost it?
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe soul-stirring image of death is no bugbear to the sage, and is looked on without despair by the pious. It teaches the former to live, and it strengthens the hopes of the latter in salvation in the midst of distress. Death is new life to both.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEach traveler should know what he has to see, and what properly belongs to him, on a journey.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheDeeply earnest and thoughtful people stand on shaky footing with the public.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheNothing is more odious than the majority, for it consists of a few powerful leaders, a certain number of accommodating scoundrels and submissive weaklings, and a mass of men who trot after them without thinking, or knowing their own minds.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheI have found among my papers a sheet . . . in which I call architecture frozen music.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe greater part of all the mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheDo not, I beg you, look for anything behind phenomena. They are themselves their own lesson.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheMan would not be the finest creature in the world if he were not too fine for it.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThat we understand something perfectly, that we accomplish something better than anyone else around us, that is what matters.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheRash, inexperienced youth holds itself a chosen instrument, and allows itself unbounded license.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThere is a courtesy of the heart; it is allied to love. From its springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheReality surpasses imagination; and we see, breathing, brightening, and moving before our eyes sights dearer to our hearts than any we ever beheld in the land of sleep.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIf you wish to advance into the infinite, explore the finite in all directions.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheLike the star that shines afar, Without haste and without rest, Let each one wheel with steady sway Round the task that rules the day, And do their best.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheA man's name is not like a mantle which merely hangs about him...but a perfectly fitting garment, which, like the skin, has grown over him, at which one cannot rake and scrape without injuring the man himself.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWherever a man may happen to turn, whatever a man may undertake, he will always end up by returning to that path which nature has marked out for him.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheNormally, the sciences distance themselves from life and the return to it via a detour.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheMost pioneers are at the mercy of doubt at the beginning, whether of their worth, of their theories, or of the whole enigmatic field in which they labour.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThere is no surer method of evading the world than by following Art, and no surer method of linking oneself to it than by Art.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWe should know mankind better if we were not so anxious to resemble one another.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheA vi'let on the meadow grew, That no one saw, that no one knew, It was a modest flower. A shepherdess pass'd by that way-- Light footed, pretty and so gay; That way she came, Softly warbling forth her lay.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIt is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAccepting good advice means nothing other than to strengthen one's own ability.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheProgress has not followed a straight ascending line, but a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression, of evolution and dissolution.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe