If I was to ask you tonight if you were saved? Do you say 'Yes, I am saved'. When? 'Oh so and so preached, I got baptized and...' Are you saved? What are you saved from, hell? Are you saved from bitterness? Are you saved from lust? Are you saved from cheating? Are you saved from lying? Are you saved from bad manners? Are you saved from rebellion against your parents? Come on, what are you saved from?
Leonard RavenhillI wish, in America, (that) we were as concerned about separation from church and sin as we are about separation between church and state. Church and sin-- it's a monstrous problem.
Leonard RavenhillNo faith is required to do the possible; actually only a morsel of this atom-powered stuff is needed to do the impossible, for a piece as large as a mustard seed will do more than we have ever dreamed of.
Leonard RavenhillWe have too many preacherettes preaching too many sermonettes to too many Christianettes smoking cigarettes.
Leonard RavenhillThe early Church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity.
Leonard RavenhillThe Church used to be a lifeboat rescuing the perishing. Now she is a cruise ship recruiting the promising.
Leonard RavenhillNo man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. The pulpit can be a shop window to display one's talents; the prayer closet allows no showing off.
Leonard RavenhillSome preachers master thier subjects; some subjects master the preacher; once in awhile one meets a preacher who is both master of, and also mastered by his subject. The apostle Paul, I am sure, was in that category.
Leonard RavenhillWe Christians are debtors to all men at all times in all places, but we are so smug to the lostness of men. We've been 'living in Laodicea,' lax, loose, lustful, and lazy. Why is there this criminal indifference to the lostness of men? Our condemnation is that we know how to live better than we are living.
Leonard RavenhillOne of these days some simple soul will pick up the Book of God, read it, and believe it. Then the rest of us will be embarrassed.
Leonard RavenhillOur spiritual immutarity never shows up more than in our lack of praying, be it alone or in a church prayer meeting. Let 20% of the chior members fail to turn up for rehearsal and the chior master is offended. Let 20% of the church members turn up for a prayer meeting, and the pastor is elated.
Leonard RavenhillI read of the revivals of the past, great sweeping revivals where thousands of men were swept into the Kingdom of God. I read about Charles G. Finney winning his thousands and his hundreds of thousands of souls to Christ. Then I picked up a book and read the messages of Charles G. Finney and the message of Jonathan Edwards on 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,' and I said, 'No wonder men trembled; no wonder they fell in the altars and cried out in repentance and sobbed their way to the throne of grace!'
Leonard RavenhillDo the Pentecostals look back with shame as they remember when they dwelt across the theological tracks, but with the glory of the Lord in their midst? When they had a normal church life, which meant nights of prayers, followed by signs and wonders, and diverse miracles, and genuine gifts of the Holy Ghost? When they were not clock watchers, and their meetings lasted for hours, saturated with holy power? Have we no tears for these memories, or shame that our children know nothing of such power?
Leonard RavenhillHow can you pull down strongholds of Satan if you don't even have the strength to turn off your TV?
Leonard RavenhillEasy believeism dishonors the blood and prostitutes the altar. We must alter the altar, for the altar is a place to die on. Let those who will not pay this price leave it alone!
Leonard RavenhillPrayer is not an argument with God to persuade him to move things our way, but an exercise by which we are enabled by his Spirit to move ourselves his way.
Leonard RavenhillPreaching is not a profession, it's a passion! If a man can't preach with passion he shouldn't preach at all.
Leonard RavenhillI'd rather have ten people that want God than 10,000 people who want to play church.
Leonard RavenhillThe true Church is born from above. In it there are no sinners, and outside of it no saints. No man can put another's name on its member's roll; and no man can cross another's name off that roll.
Leonard RavenhillJesus did not come into the world to make bad men good. He came into the world to make dead men live!
Leonard RavenhillThe greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world, and make that man holy and put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it.
Leonard RavenhillIf Thou canst do something with us and through us, then please, God, do something without us! Bypass us and take up a people who now know Thee not!
Leonard RavenhillRevival is the Spirit's passion within the believer to know and to obey the total will of God.
Leonard RavenhillThe only reason we don't have revival is because we are willing to live without it!
Leonard RavenhillIf you want to be popular, preach happiness. If you want to be unpopular, preach holiness.
Leonard RavenhillAt God's counter there are no sale days, for the price of revival is ever the same: travail!
Leonard RavenhillWhy is there this criminal indifference to the lostness of men? Our condemnation is that we know how to live better than we are living.
Leonard RavenhillHow do you learn to pray? Well how do you learn to swim? Do you sit in a chair with your feet up drinking coke learning to swim? You get down and you struggle. That's how you learn to pray.
Leonard RavenhillThe best title of the [professing] church of God today, in my judgment, is 'Unbelieving Believers.'
Leonard RavenhillSome Day Someone is going to pick up this book (The Bible) and believe it, and put us all to shame.
Leonard RavenhillThe brutal, soul-shaking truth is that we are so earthly minded we are of no heavenly use.
Leonard Ravenhill