If you're going to be a true Christian, I'll tell you one thing amongst others: it'll be a lonely life. It's a narrow way and it becomes narrower and narrower and narrower.
Leonard RavenhillIn revival, God is not concerned about filling empty churches, He is concerned about filling empty hearts.
Leonard RavenhillI'm sick and tired of (only) reading about church history; let's make (some) by the grace of God
Leonard RavenhillAny true revival can be proven by the fact that it changed the moral climate of an area or nation.
Leonard RavenhillThree things faith does: it reckons on God; it risks with God (and) it rests in God.
Leonard RavenhillIn the New Testament church it says they were all amazed - And now in our churches everybody wants to be amused.
Leonard RavenhillMinisters who do not spend two hours a day in prayer are not worth a dime a dozen - degrees or no degrees.
Leonard RavenhillThere are three persons living in each of us: the one we think we are, the one other people think we are, and the one God knows we are!
Leonard RavenhillThe tragedy is that we have too many dead men in the pulpits giving out too many dead sermons to too many dead people.
Leonard RavenhillThe world is waiting for a practical demonstration of the Gospel of the grace of God!
Leonard RavenhillThere's one thing we need above everything else; it's something we don't talk about these days. We need a mighty avalanche of conviction of sin.
Leonard RavenhillChrist cared enough for sinners to die for them. Do we care enough for sinners to live to reach them?
Leonard Ravenhill