The foundation of any and every civilization, including our own, is private ownership of the means of production. Whoever wishes to criticize modern civilization, therefore, begins with private property.
Ludwig von MisesOne has to recognize that science is not metaphysics, and certainly not mysticism; it can never bring us the illumination and the satisfaction experienced by one enraptured in ecstasy. Science is sobriety and clarity of conception, not intoxicated vision.
Ludwig von MisesThe champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau.
Ludwig von MisesIn the market economy the worker sells his services as other people sell their commodities. The employer is not the employee's lord. He is simply the buyer of services which he must purchase at their market price.
Ludwig von MisesState interference in economic life, which calls itself economic policy, has done nothing but destroy economic life. Prohibitions and regulations have by their general obstructive tendency fostered the growth of the spirit of wastefulness.
Ludwig von MisesThe mixing of politics and business not only is detrimental to politics, as is frequently observed, but even much more so to business.
Ludwig von MisesUnder capitalism the common man enjoys amenities which in ages gone by were unknown and therefore inaccessible even to the richest people.
Ludwig von MisesThe development of capitalism consists in everyone having the right to serve the consumer better or more cheaply.
Ludwig von MisesAll that Lenin learned about business from the tales of his comrades who occasionally sat in business offices was that it required a lot of scribbling, recording, and ciphering. Thus, he declares that accounting and control are the chief things necessary for the organizing and correct functioning of society. . . . Here we have the philosophy of the filing clerk in its full glory.
Ludwig von MisesIn the long run even the most despotic governments with all their brutality and cruelty are no match for ideas. Eventually the ideology that has won the support of the majority will prevail and cut the ground from under the tyrant's feet. Then the oppressed many will rise in rebellion and overthrow their masters.
Ludwig von MisesThe only source from which an entrepreneurs profits stem is his ability to anticipate better than other people the future demand of the consumers.
Ludwig von MisesEconomics is not about things and tangible material objects; it is about men, their meanings and actions.
Ludwig von MisesMonetary calculation is not the calculation, and certainly not the measurement, of value. Its basis is the comparison of the more important and the less important. It is an ordering according to rank, an act of grading (Cuhel), and not an act of measuring. It was a mistake to search for a measure of the value of goods. In the last analysis, economic calculation does not rest on the measurement of values, but on their arrangement in an order of rank.
Ludwig von MisesNo matter how efficient school training may be, it would only produce stagnation, orthodoxy, and rigid pedantry if there were no uncommon men pushing forward beyond the wisdom of their tutors.
Ludwig von MisesThe only source of the generation of additional capital goods is saving. If all the goods produced are consumed, no new capital comes into being.
Ludwig von MisesThere can be no freedom in art and literature where the government determines who shall create them.
Ludwig von MisesThere is no western, capitalistic country in which the conditions of the masses have not improved in an unprecedented way.
Ludwig von MisesModern society, based as it is on the division of labor, can be preserved only under conditions of lasting peace.
Ludwig von MisesEverybody thinks of economics whether he is aware of it or not. In joining a political party or in casting his ballot, the citizen implicitly takes a stand upon essential economic theories.
Ludwig von MisesThe philosophy of protectionism is a philosophy of war. The wars of our age are not at variance with popular economic doctrines; they are, on the contrary, the inescapable result of a consistent application of these doctrines.
Ludwig von MisesLaissez faire does not mean: let soulless mechanical forces operate. It means: let individuals choose how they want to cooperate in the social division of labor and let them determine what the entrepreneurs should produce.
Ludwig von MisesWhere there is no market economy, the best intentioned provisions of constitutions and laws remain a dead letter.
Ludwig von MisesThe egalitarian doctrine is manifestly contrary to all the facts established by biology and by history. Only fanatical partisans of this theory can contend that what distinguishes the genius from the dullard is entirely the effect of postnatal influences.
Ludwig von MisesGerman Marxian's coined the dictum: If socialism is against human nature, then human nature must be changed.
Ludwig von MisesProfits are the driving force of the market economy. The greater the profits, the better the needs of the consumers are supplied... He who serves the public best, makes the highest profits.
Ludwig von MisesSocialism and interventionism. Both have in common the goal of subordinating the individual unconditionally to the state.
Ludwig von MisesThere is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.
Ludwig von MisesSo far as Feminism seeks to adjust the legal position of woman to that of man, so far as it seeks to offer her legal and economic freedom to develop and act in accordance with her inclinations, desires, and economic circumstancesโso far it is nothing more than a branch of the great liberal movement, which advocates peaceful and free evolution.
Ludwig von MisesAll the talk about the so-called unspeakable horror of early capitalism can be refuted by a single statistic: precisely in these years in which British capitalism developed, precisely in the age called the Industrial Revolution in England, in the years from 1760 to 1830, precisely in those years the population of England doubled.
Ludwig von MisesLiberalism and capitalism address themselves to the cool, well-balanced mind. They proceed by strict logic, eliminating any appeal to the emotions. Socialism, on the contrary, works on the emotions, tries to violate logical considerations by rousing a sense of personal interest and to stifle the voice of reason by awakening primitive instincts.
Ludwig von MisesThe Marxians love of democratic institutions was a stratagem only, a pious fraud for the deception of the masses. Within a socialist community there is no room left for freedom.
Ludwig von MisesOnly the naive inflationist's could believe that government could enrich mankind through fiat money.
Ludwig von MisesPrivate property creates for the individual a sphere in which he is free of the state. It sets limits to the operation of the authoritarian will.
Ludwig von MisesGovernment is a guarantor of liberty and is compatible with liberty only if its range is adequately restricted to the preservation of what is called economic freedom.
Ludwig von MisesThe financial history of the last century shows a steady increase in the amount of public indebtedness. Nobody believes that the states will eternally drag the burden of these interest payments. It is obvious that sooner or later all these debts will be liquidated in some way or other, but certainly not by payment of interest and principal according to the terms of the contract.
Ludwig von MisesA citizen who casts his ballot without having to the best of his abilities studied as much economics as he can fails in his civic duties.
Ludwig von MisesThere would not be any profits but for the eagerness of the public to acquire the merchandise offered for sale by the successful entrepreneur. But the same people who scramble for these articles vilify the businessman and call his profit ill-got.
Ludwig von MisesWar can really cause no economic boom, at least not directly, since an increase in wealth never does result from destruction of goods.
Ludwig von MisesThe goal of liberalism is the peaceful cooperation of all men. It aims at peace among nations too. When there is private ownership of the means of production everywhere and when laws, the tribunals and the administration treat foreigners and citizens on equal terms, it is of little importance where a country's frontiers are drawn... War no longer pays; there is no motive for aggression... All nations can coexist peacefully.
Ludwig von Mises