Beware of harking back to what you once were when God wants you to be something you have never been.
Oswald ChambersNever believe that the so-called random events of life are anything less than God’s appointed order. Be ready to discover His divine designs anywhere and everywhere.
Oswald ChambersWhen a man gets to despair he knows that all his thinking will never get him out. He will only get out by the sheer creative effort of God. Consequently he is in the right attitude to receive from God that which he cannot gain for himself.
Oswald ChambersDoubt is not always a sign that a man is wrong; it may be a sign that he is thinking.
Oswald ChambersThe entrance into the Kingdom is through the panging pains of repentance crashing into a man's respectable goodness; then the Holy Ghost, who produces these agonies begins the formation of the Son God in the life.
Oswald Chambers