Government's the primary source of prosperity for you, if you're on the left. And if you believe that business exists to kill you, if you believe that business exists to poison you, then government is a source of prosperity for you.
Rush LimbaughThe media does not act like they ever lose. If Trump wins, their attitude is gonna be, "Well, it's just gonna take us a little longer to destroy him." And they will continue to try to destroy Trump. And they will do it by finding Democrats who think that he deserves to be impeached.
Rush LimbaughIn life or in football, touchdowns rarely take place in seventy yard increments. Usually it's three yards and a cloud of dust.
Rush LimbaughYou're probably bored now hearing me cite how many seats the Democrats lost nationwide, national, state, local, in those three elections, In the 2010 midterms, the 2014 midterms, and in 2016. It's over 1500 seats.
Rush LimbaughI love radio! I think radio, done right, can have more influence and have a greater connection with people and be more deeply meaningful than another medium like TV, which is on all the time and you're paying attention to it half the time.
Rush Limbaugh[Donald] Trump's establishing his bona fides on military preparedness. No histrionics, just the facts.
Rush LimbaughObama was gonna get everything he wanted in the first year because, if anybody opposed it, they were gonna be accused of being a racist, or bigot, or who knows what.
Rush LimbaughWe have had people for so many generations dumbed down, literally dumbed down, who are now in positions of awesome and extreme power with influence over others, that we're paralyzed. And, if we're not paralyzed, we are backtracking and moving backwards. We are actually regressing, I should say, from magnificent progress that we as a nation and a culture and society have taken over hundreds of years.
Rush LimbaughIt's the end of the day where wives stay home and raise the kids and all that. That demeaning stuff? No more. Country club memberships, that's what you shoot for! To hell with that.
Rush LimbaughThe people are doing everything they can to stop Democrats! The problem is, the media is running the opposition, not the Democrats. You want to stop this? Stop the media. How do you stop the media? Turn 'em off, don't believe 'em, don't let 'em affect what you think and do. Beyond that, get creative.
Rush LimbaughWhy did Hillary [Clinton] go to Arkansas? Why does she put up with it? In the beginning era of feminism she's considered one of the leading lights. Why does she put up with it? And the short answer is :She's nominated president, the Democrat Party candidate.
Rush LimbaughIf Islam is so peaceful, why is everybody so damn frightened of offending them? And on the other hand, if Christianity is so violent as people like Whoopi Goldberg and others tell us, why is nobody afraid to offend Christians? People laugh at, make fun of, and mock Christians all day long with no fear whatsoever. But you so much as think anything offensive about Islam, and they descend on you and they accuse you of violating political correctness and they beg you to shut up.
Rush LimbaughThe left hates capitalism, not because of freedom and liberty - although they do. But the primary they hate capitalism is that it is the most efficient engine to create wealth for the greatest number of people in a society that has ever been devised. Nobody's ever claimed it's perfect. Nobody's ever said it's flawless. But it's better than anything else out there, particularly anything left has to offer.
Rush LimbaughThe left are not bipartisan. Somebody give me an example of left-wing bipartisanship. They don't even define it the way we do. Bipartisanship, as they define it, as in we cave on our core beliefs and agree with them. That is bipartisanship. There is no compromise.
Rush LimbaughThis is a hallmark trait of the left. There is never any effort to elevate anybody. Liberalism is all about tearing down. Liberalism is all about lowering. It is all about destroying 'em.
Rush LimbaughThere are a lot of [Donald] Trump people, I mean, Trump, I remember hearing it, some of these rallies that he had talking about a special prosecutor, and his audience was responding wildly positively to it. So we'll see. Look, I do not think that Trump supporters are going to abandon him over this, and I don't think he's gonna lose any of them over this, but I do know a couple people are gonna be livid that it's not gonna happen.
Rush LimbaughThis is part of the ongoing campaign that is brought to you by the Democrat Party and the media to create doubt. This whole thing is an illusion. They're trying to make you believe - and I think they probably have, if you're looking for a remedy. They're trying to make you believe that this thing could be taken away from Donald Trump, that they're making really great progress, and that they might need only, like, 10 more.
Rush LimbaughWe want people to take care of themselves. We want people to provide for themselves. We want people to enjoy the fruits of their labors. We want people to enjoy reaching out and making their dreams come true. We want people to realize their life's dreams and passions. You need a growing economy for this.
Rush LimbaughThe Democrats want you to think Trump has sold you out and thrown you under the business. They want you to think that Trump has given away his mandate in exchange for doing deals. They want you to believe that Trump loves deals; he loves action.
Rush LimbaughTrump is especially reviled and despised because he's really a man. He's really a man. He's really what's wrong with men, and they just can't stand this.
Rush LimbaughThese people in the media, they may hate Donald Trump, but they cannot stop covering him.
Rush LimbaughThe powers that be in entertainment are really threatening anybody that shows up at the [Donald] Trump inauguration is gonna have trouble getting a job. They're ticked off.
Rush LimbaughThe president of the United States is a pretty important position, and it's the ideas and policies that matter to me, not the color of their skin.
Rush LimbaughThe American people have worn out their patience being told by their so-called bettors that you don't know how to live your lives the right way. We need to arrange things for you so you can do things better than you would do yourself.
Rush LimbaughThe presidency has even become a partisan thing. The presidency has been totally politicized and totally made partisan, as evidenced by the IRS going after the Tea Party and any number of other examples I give you.
Rush LimbaughYou have to listen to Trump in a nonpolitical way. When Trump starts talking on the campaign trail, "NATO's pointless, it's worthless. We're paying the lion's share and these people aren't contributing, and that's gonna end. This make America great, put America first." People think, "Wow! We're gonna get out of NATO, finally. He's gonna close up NATO!" No. If you listen very carefully, he was complaining that the other members were not doing their part.
Rush LimbaughLiberals like to achieve fairness by spreading the misery. Conservatives seek to expand opportunity.
Rush LimbaughAt what point in human history, when was the last time it was possible for any human being to know everything that was known at that time? For example, it is humanly impossible for any human being to know everything now. So how are we gonna define smart?
Rush LimbaughThe really damaging thing is that the objectives, the goals of the people on the left are not possible. There is no utopia.
Rush LimbaughI'm naive. I will admit that I'm naive. There's a part of me, honestly, to the depths of my soul, that doesn't understand why people hate this country. Intellectually, I understand it. I understand the politics of grievance, and I understand the way people have been taught, but compared to every other place human beings have lived before this country and since it was founded, it makes no common sense to hate this place, and yet people do.
Rush LimbaughThe ideas that accompany that victory, the ideas and the policies that are related to those ideas that are implemented after you win the election. And then it's not just one election; you have to keep winning elections. You have to keep defeating liberals, and it's the same thing here in the Brexit vote.
Rush LimbaughForty percent of Americans describe themselves as conservative, 36% independents, and 20% liberal. And these independents are abandoning the Democrat Party in droves. And a key point, they're abandoning the Democrat Party without the Republican Party giving them any reason to go to them. They're just abandoning the Democrats because they don't like what they see.
Rush LimbaughBusiness success is not determined by government policy. It's not determined by regulation. The people succeed in business have to overcome all the obstacles put in their way by people like Democrats and Obama. That's what Trump knows, how to overcome these guys, how to get the things they put in his way out of the way, while they don't even know it's happening. And that would go for much of the political commentariat, too, folks, that are totally immersed in politics and know nothing else, other than they swear allegiance to free markets, but that's about it.
Rush LimbaughThe establishment isn't new. The establishment not wanting outsiders, not wanting conservatives, isn't anything new.
Rush LimbaughMy rebellion was telling my dad, "No, you're wrong, you don't know what's best for me. I'm not gonna waste my time in college." You know the story. He thought he was an abject failure 'cause he didn't convince me to go to college. I didn't rebel against my dad's economic status. I didn't rebel against what I thought were old-fashioned, archaic moral values. I didn't rebel by going out and wrecking the car and getting drunk and being irresponsible. I rebelled against their assumption they knew better than I did, what I wanted, and what I needed.
Rush LimbaughPolitics has got its own rules and boundaries, and the daily narrative and the conventions. And if everybody in it concludes that Trump equals reprobate, Trump is a sleaze, Trump's... If you don't flow with it - if you don't at least admit to the premise first and then try to, you know, qualify yourself - you're dead in that world. It's a follow-me world, politics is, and the left runs it, and there are just certain things that you have to accept.
Rush LimbaughDo you realize how many people of this country have been educated, have grown up, who have been taught that, yeah, we're at risk and there's a lot of people that want to blow us up and don't like us. But we are to blame. That's what they've been taught. We are to blame, 'cause there was slavery, because we've stolen all these goods and resources from other countries. We have imposed our way of life on them! We've sent our military around, and we've conducted wars on their territory and so forth.
Rush LimbaughWhen you said the media, the liberals are just being good bots and just doing what they're told.
Rush LimbaughTo show you, just to illustrate the inroads the homosexual marriage crowd has made, it is now common to hear on television and in the midst of debate the concept of "opposite-sex marriage."
Rush LimbaughThe only time there's gonna be a transgender bathroom in the White House is during a gay rights ceremony. You know as well as I do that that's not going to happen.
Rush LimbaughI thank God that I became addicted to pain pills, because the process of going through rehab taught me more about myself than I had ever known. I wish I would have learned what I learned about myself I learned in rehab, going through life. You know, we're all raised to be loved. We care about what other people think of us, and sometimes to our detriment we let feedback and the opinions of others shape our own self-image. I was guilty of that, too. But in my professional life, I had mastered it. I didn't care what the critics said.
Rush LimbaughPolice and firefighters are great, but they don't create wealth. They protect it. That's crucial. Teaching is a wonderful profession. Teachers help educate people to become good citizens so that citizens can then go create wealth. But they don't create the wealth themselves.
Rush Limbaugh