Whoever finds Jesus, finds a rich treasure, and a good above every good. He who loses Jesus loses much indeed, and more than the whole world. Poorest of all is he who lives without Jesus, and richest of all is he who stands in favor with Jesus.
Thomas a KempisIf you wish to live in peace and harmony with others, you must learn to discipline yourself in many ways.
Thomas a KempisNow is the time to be doing, now is the time to be stirring, now is the time to amend myself.
Thomas a KempisWe should have much more peace if we would not busy ourselves with the sayings and doings of others.
Thomas a KempisMay not be your peace in the mouth of the men; since no matter if they thing good or bad about you, you should not be a different man because of that.
Thomas a KempisAnyone who thinks hard work will never hurt you has never had to pay to have it done. Jesus now has many lovers of his Heavenly Kingdom, but few bearers of his cross.
Thomas a KempisA wise and good man will turn examples of all sorts to his own advantage. The good he will make his patterns, and strive to equal or excel them. The bad he will by all means avoid.
Thomas a KempisLet not therefore thy heart be troubled, neither let it fear. Trust in me, and put thy confidence in my mercy. When thou thinkest thyself farthest off from me, oftentimes I am nearest unto thee. When thou countest almost all to be lost, then oftentimes the greatest gain of reward is close at hand. All is not lost, when any thing falleth out contrary. Thou oughtest not to judge according to present feeling; nor so to take any grief, or give thyself over to it.
Thomas a KempisA disciple once complained, "You tell us stories, but you never reveal their meaning to us." The master replied, "How would you like it if someone offered you fruit and then chewed it up for you before giving it to you?" If your heart is straight with God, then every creature will be to you a mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine.
Thomas a KempisAs iron cast into fire loses its rust and becomes glowing white, so he who turns completely to God is stripped of his sluggishness and changed into a new man.
Thomas a KempisDispose thyself to patience rather than to comfort, and to the bearing of the cross rather than to gladness.
Thomas a KempisWherever you go, you will always bear yourself about with you, and so you will always find yourself.
Thomas a KempisCarry the cross patiently, and with perfect submission; and in the end it shall carry you.
Thomas a KempisA life without purpose is a languid, drifting thing; Every day we ought to review our purpose, saying to ourselves: This day let me make a sound beginning, for what we have hitherto done is naught!
Thomas a KempisIf you would endeavor, like men of courage, to stand in the battle, surely we would feel the favorable assistance of God from heaven. For he who give the us occasion to fight, to the end we may get the victory, is ready to succor those that fight manfully, and do trust in his grace.
Thomas a KempisThe more the flesh is wasted by affliction, so much more is the Spirit strengthened by inward grace.
Thomas a KempisAnd if thy heart be straight with God then every creature shall be to thee a mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine for there is no creature so little or so despised but that sheweth and representeth the goodness of God.
Thomas a KempisAlways keep a good distance between yourself and lying, quarreling, detracting, insulting and gossip. The person who can do that will some day learn to enjoy the silence.
Thomas a KempisFaith is required of thee, and a sincere life, not loftiness of intellect, nor deepness in the mysteries of God.
Thomas a KempisIf thou canst not make thyself such an one as thou wouldst, how canst thou expect to have another in all things to thy liking?
Thomas a KempisAnyone who is not totally dead to himself will soon find that he is tempted and overcome by piddling and frivolous things. Whoever is weak in spirit, given to the flesh and inclined to sensual things can, but only with great difficulty, drag himself away from his earthly desires. Therefore he is often gloomy and sad when he is trying to pull himself away from them, and easily gives way to anger should someone attempt to oppose him.
Thomas a KempisDo not be influenced by the importance of the writer, and whether his learning be great or small, but let the love of pure truth draw you to read. Do not inquire, Who said this? but pay attention to what is said.
Thomas a KempisBoth above and below, without and within, which way so ever thou dost turn thee, everywhere thou shalt find the Cross; and everywhere of necessity thou must hold fast patience, if thou wilt have inward peace, and enjoy an everlasting crown.
Thomas a KempisDo not try to find a place free from temptations and troubles. Rather, seek a peace that endures even when you are beset by various temptations and tried by much adversity.
Thomas a KempisBe thankful for the smallest blessing and you will deserve to receive greater. Value the least gifts no less than the greatest, and simple graces as especial favors. If you remember the dignity of the Giver, no gift will seem small or mean.
Thomas a KempisFew spirits are made better by the pain and languor of sickness; as few great pilgrims become eminent saints.
Thomas a KempisHe does much who loves God much, and he does much who does his deed well, and he does his deed well who does it rather for the common good than for his own will.
Thomas a KempisPatience is necessary in this life because so much of life is fraught with adversity. No matter how hard we try, our lives will never be without strife and grief. Thus, we should not strive for a peace that is without temptation, or for a life that never feels adversity. Peace is not found by escaping temptations, but by being tried by them. We will have discovered peace when we have been tried and come through the trial of temptation.
Thomas a Kempis