Love each other dearly always. There is scarcely anything else in the world but that: to love one another.
Victor HugoHe transform the grief which looks down into the grave by showing it the grief which looks up to the stars.
Victor HugoAmnesty is as good for those who give it as for those who receive it. It has the admirable quality of bestowing mercy on both sides.
Victor HugoThe earlier works of a man of genius are always preferred to the newer ones, in order to prove that he is going down instead of up.
Victor HugoArchitecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.
Victor HugoAnd if it happened to be a Christmas-night when the great bell seemed to rattle in its throat as it called the faithful to the midnight mass, there was such an indescribable air of life spread over the sombre facade that the great door-way looked as if it were swallowing the entire crowd, and the rose-window staring at them.
Victor HugoIn the vast cosmical changes, the universal life comes and goes in unknown quantities, ... sowing an animalcule here, crumbling a star there, oscillating and ... entangling, from the highest to the lowest, all activities in the obscurity of a dizzying mechanism, hanging the flight of an insect upon the movement of the earth... Enormous gearing, whose first motor is the gnat, and whose last wheel is the zodiac.
Victor HugoTo rove about, musing, that is to say loitering, is, for a philosopher, a good way of spending time, especially in that kind of mock rurality, ugly but odd, and partaking of two natures, which surrounds certain large cities, particularly Paris.
Victor HugoThis first glance of a soul which does not yet know itself is like dawn in the heavens; it is the awakening of something radiant and unknown.
Victor HugoBabylon violated diminishes Alexander; Rome enslaved diminishes Caesar; massacred Jerusalem diminishes Titus. Tyranny follows the tyrant. Woe to the man who leaves behind a shadow that bears his form.
Victor HugoYou look at a star for two reasons, because it is luminous, and because it is impenetrable. You have beside you a sweeter radiance and a greater mystery, woman.
Victor HugoThat men saw his mask, but the bishop saw his face. That men saw his life, but the bishop saw his conscience.
Victor HugoScience is continually correcting what it has said. Fertile corrections... science is a ladder... poetry is a winged flight... An artistic masterpiece exists for all time... Dante does not efface Homer.
Victor HugoInanimate objects sometimes appear endowed with a strange power of sight. A statue notices, a tower watches, the face of an edifice contemplates.
Victor HugoOne only needs to see a smile in a white crape bonnet in order to enter the palace of dreams.
Victor HugoWell, for us, in history where goodness is a rare pearl, he who was good almost takes precedence over he who was great.
Victor HugoTo think is of itself to be useful; it is always and in all cases a striving toward God.
Victor HugoMan's greatest actions are performed in minor struggles. Life, misfortune, isolation, abandonment and poverty are battlefields which have their heroes - obscure heroes who are at times greater than illustrious heroes.
Victor HugoThey adored each other; but still the permanent and the immutable subsist. We may love and laugh, pout, clasp hands, smile, and exchange endearments, but that does not affect eternity. Two lovers hide in the dusk of evening, amid flowers and the twittering of birds, and enchant each other with their hearts shinning in their eyes; but the stars in their course still circle through infinite space.
Victor HugoWe must never fear robbers or murderers. They are dangers from outside, small dangers. It is ourselves we have to fear. Prejudice is the real robber, vice the real murderer. Why should we be troubled by a threat to our person or our pocket? What we have to beware of is the threat to our souls'.
Victor HugoHe is the best gentleman that is the son of his own deserts, and not the degenerated heir of another's virtue.
Victor HugoWoman, nude, is the blue sky. Clouds and garments are an obstacle to contemplation. Beauty and infinity would be gazed upon unveiled.
Victor HugoIs it not a thing divine to have a smile which, none know how, has the power to lighten the weight of that enormous chain which all the living in common drag behind them?
Victor HugoDo not ask the name of the person who seeks a bed for the night. He who is reluctant to give his name is the one who most needs shelter.
Victor HugoThe last resort of kings, the cannonball. The last resort of the people, the paving stone.
Victor HugoWhen two mouths, made sacred by love, draw near to each other to create, it is impossible, that above that ineffable kiss there should not be a thrill in the immense mystery of the stars.
Victor HugoIf I have not been exposed and am not in any danger of pursuit. But I have been exposed, I am pursued - by myself! That is a pursuer that does not readily let go.
Victor Hugo