"Until Dawn" is a suspenseful horror game where every choice you make can lead to life or death. Take this quiz to find out which character from the game you are most like, and see if you can survive the night on Blackwood Mountain.
When faced with danger, what's your typical reaction?
I try to stay calm and think logically.I confront the danger head-on.I freeze and struggle to make a decision.I look for an escape route.I rely on my instincts and gut feeling.I make a joke to lighten the mood.What's your preferred role in a group of friends?
The leader and decision-maker.The protector who looks out for everyone.The peacemaker who tries to avoid conflict.The strategist who plans ahead.The intuitive one who senses danger.The entertainer who keeps spirits high.How do you handle stress?
I analyze the situation and make a plan.I face it head-on with determination.I try to distract myself or avoid stressors.I seek guidance from others.I trust my instincts and adapt.I use humor to cope with stress.What's your approach to solving problems?
I rely on logic and reason.I take decisive action.I seek advice from others.I plan and strategize.I trust my intuition.I use creativity and humor.In a life-threatening situation, what's your priority?
Survival at all costs.Protecting others.Avoiding danger.Finding a way out.Trusting instincts.Keeping spirits up.What's your communication style in a group?
Direct and assertive.Protective and supportive.Diplomatic and calm.Organized and strategic.Intuitive and adaptive.Light-hearted and humorous.What's your favorite horror movie archetype?
The Final Girl.The Heroic Survivor.The Intellectual.The Mastermind.The Intuitive One.The Comic Relief.If you were in a horror movie, where would you hide during a chase scene?
In a locked room.In a fortified hiding spot.In a quiet corner.In an escape route.In a shadowy area.I'd be cracking jokes, not hiding. More Like This