Which Actress Would Play You in a Movie About Your Life?

Angelina, Jennifer, Margot... who is the perfect actress that would portray you best on the small or big screen?

Which Actress Would Play You in a Movie About Your Life?

Photo via Canva.com

Have you ever wondered who would be the perfect actress to represent you if your life turned into a movie? 

Angelina, Jennifer, Margot... who is the perfect actress that would portray you best on the small or big screen? The answer may surprise you ๐Ÿ˜‰

There's only one way to find out and that's to answer our questions honestly. There are no right or wrong answers; just choose the one that describes you best. 

Don't wait any longer to find out more about your Hollywood version! Are you ready? Camera, lights, action

Which type of actress do you envision playing you in a movie about your life?
Quirky and comedicSerious and dramaticWitty and charmingAdventurous and daringCreative and artistic
Which personality trait would you like your actress to embody?
Optimistic and positiveConfident and self-assuredEmpathetic and caringAmbitious and drivenFun-loving and adventurous
Which physical characteristic would you like your actress to share with you?
Eye colorHair colorHeightBody typeFacial features
Which genre of movie would best represent your life?
Romantic comedyBiographical dramaAction-adventureIndependent filmFantasy
Which actress do you admire most in Hollywood?
Emma StoneViola DavisJennifer LawrenceCharlize TheronSaoirse Ronan
What type of roles do you see your actress typically playing?
Quirky and unconventional charactersStrong and powerful leading ladiesRomantic and comedic heroinesAction-oriented and adventurous womenArtistic and creative types
Which era of Hollywood would you like your movie to take place in?
Classic HollywoodGolden Age of HollywoodNew HollywoodContemporary HollywoodFuturistic Hollywood
Which movie featuring your favorite actress do you enjoy most?
Easy AThe HelpSilver Linings PlaybookMad Max: Fury RoadLady Bird
Which actress's life story do you find most inspiring?
Reese WitherspoonMeryl StreepAudrey HepburnAngelina JolieLupita Nyong'o
Which aspect of your personality would you like your actress to emphasize?
Sense of humorIntelligence and witEmpathy and compassionCreativity and imaginationAdventurousness and spontaneity
Which director would you want to helm the movie about your life?
Wes AndersonSteven SpielbergMartin ScorseseAva DuVernayGuillermo del Toro
Which setting would you like your movie to take place in?
Urban cityscapeSmall townCountrysideBeachExotic location
Which actress do you think shares a similar background or upbringing as you?
Mindy KalingOprah WinfreyEllen DeGeneresGal GadotZendaya
Which character trait would you like your actress to embody the most?
Perseverance and resilienceCreativity and imaginationCompassion and empathyConfidence and self-assurednessAdventurousness and spontaneity
Which of these qualities do you most value in yourself?
What do you hope people take away from the movie about your life?
A sense of inspirationA feeling of understandingA newfound appreciation for lifeA call to actionA sense of hope
Which of the following best describes your overall personality?
Confident and outgoingThoughtful and introspectiveSpontaneous and adventurousCompassionate and caringIndependent and strong-willed
If you had to choose one word to describe yourself, which of the following would it be?
What has been the biggest challenge in your life so far?
Overcoming personal obstaclesAchieving your dreamsFinding your place in the worldNavigating difficult relationshipsBalancing multiple priorities and responsibilities

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