Are You A Healer?

Do you naturally gravitate toward providing care, empathy, and support?

Are You A Healer?

This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E

Healing comes in many forms, from physical care to emotional support. This quiz aims to help you discover if you possess the qualities and tendencies that make a person a healer.

Answer six questions to uncover whether you naturally gravitate toward providing care, empathy, and support to those in need.

How do you react when someone you know is going through a difficult time?
🤗 I offer a listening ear and emotional support.😊 I try to provide practical solutions to help them.😐 I may feel sympathetic but not always know how to help.😬 I may feel uncomfortable and unsure of what to do.
What's your response when a friend or family member is feeling physically unwell?
🌡️ I check on them, bring comfort items, and offer to assist.💊 I suggest remedies and offer to go to the pharmacy.😐 I express concern but may not know how to help.😬 I may feel uneasy and not sure how to react.
How do you handle conflicts or disagreements within your social circle?
🤝 I mediate and try to find common ground.😌 I offer a calming presence and encourage open communication.😐 I may try to stay neutral or avoid getting involved.😬 I feel uncomfortable and may distance myself from the conflict.
How do you react when you come across someone in emotional distress in public?
🤗 I approach them to offer comfort and support.😊 I may ask if they're okay and offer assistance if needed.😐 I may feel sympathetic but not always know how to help.😬 I may feel uncomfortable and not intervene.
How do you typically handle friends or acquaintances seeking advice or guidance?
🧘‍♂️ I listen actively and offer empathetic advice.🤓 I provide practical solutions and suggestions.😐 I try to offer guidance but may not always have the answers.😬 I may feel uncomfortable and hesitant to provide advice.
What's your approach when a loved one experiences a loss or bereavement?
😢 I offer emotional support, a shoulder to cry on, and a listening ear.😔 I provide comfort and may help with practical arrangements.😐 I express condolences but may not always know what to say.😬 I may feel uncomfortable and unsure of how to react.

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