Blasting Secrets or Keeping Quiet? A Gossip Girl Morality Quiz

Welcome to the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite! In a world where secrets are currency and gossip reigns supreme, where do you stand? Are you the keeper of confidences or the bearer of juicy news?

Welcome to the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite! In a world where secrets are currency and gossip reigns supreme, where do you stand? Are you the keeper of confidences or the bearer of juicy news?

This quiz will test your moral compass in true Upper East Side style. Will you blast secrets to the world or keep them under lock and key? Let's dive into the drama and see just how you'd handle the hottest gossip on the streets of New York City.

XOXO, Gossip Girl!

Your best friend confides a major secret. What do you do?
Immediately post it on Gossip GirlTell only your closest circle of friendsKeep it to yourself but use it as leverage laterEncourage your friend to come cleanPretend you never heard it
You overhear a juicy conversation about a classmate. Your move?
Record it and send to Gossip Girl anonymouslySubtly spread the rumor at schoolConfront the people involved for more detailsKeep it to yourself but stay alert for more infoWarn the classmate about what's being said
You discover damaging information about a rival. How do you handle it?
Blast it on social media for everyone to seeUse it to blackmail them privatelyShare it with a select group for maximum dramaAnonymously tip off a teacher or parentIgnore it and focus on your own life
A friend asks you to cover for them while they do something questionable. Do you:
Agree, then expose them on Gossip GirlAgree, but drop hints to others about their real activitiesRefuse and threaten to tell if they go through with itAgree reluctantly, keeping their secretTry to talk them out of it entirely
You witness a scandalous event at a party. What's your next step?
Live-stream it for all to seeTake photos and threaten to release themGossip about it to everyone at the partyDiscuss it only with those who were presentPretend you didn't see anything
You find a lost phone full of secrets. What do you do with it?
Go through it and share the juiciest parts onlineReturn it, but not before copying the most interesting infoTry to sell the information to the highest bidderReturn it immediately without snoopingAnonymous tip to Gossip Girl about its location
Someone spreads a false rumor about you. How do you respond?
Retaliate with even worse rumors about themPublicly call them out and demand an apologySubtly discredit them to your social circleConfront them privately to clear the airIgnore it and trust the truth will prevail

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