XOXO, Who Said That? Test Your Gossip Girl Quote Knowledge

Grab your headbands, prep your best scheming face, and let's see how well you remember who said what in the world where "You're nobody until you're talked about"

Immerse yourself in the opulent, scandalous world of "Gossip Girl," a show that defined a generation with its razor-sharp wit, dramatic plot twists, and unforgettable characters.

From the steps of the Met to the luxurious penthouses of the Upper East Side, "Gossip Girl" has provided us with a treasure trove of memorable lines and quotes that continue to resonate with fans long after the series finale. Whether it's Blair Waldorf's biting comebacks, Chuck Bass's suave declarations of love, Serena van der Woodsen's heartfelt moments, or Dan Humphrey's introspective musings, each character brought a unique voice to the show.

Today we challenge you to match iconic quotes to the characters who said them, testing not only your memory but also your understanding of the complex relationships and social dynamics that made "Gossip Girl" so captivating. With a blend of humor, love, ambition, and betrayal, these quotes capture the essence of each character's journey throughout the series.

So, grab your headbands, prep your best scheming face, and let's see how well you remember who said what in the world where "You're nobody until you're talked about."

"Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I'm yours."
Serena van der WoodsenNate ArchibaldChuck BassBlair Waldorf
"You can't make people love you, but you can make them fear you."
Jenny HumphreyBlair WaldorfSerena van der WoodsenLily van der Woodsen
"I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination."
Vanessa AbramsJuliet SharpIvy DickensBlair Waldorf
"People like me don't write books, they're written about."
Dan HumphreyRufus HumphreyChuck BassNate Archibald
"Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head, and remind yourself of who you are."
Serena van der Woodsen Blair WaldorfEric van der WoodsenGossip Girl
"If you really want something, you don't stop for anyone or anything until you get it."
Blair WaldorfDan HumphreySerena van der WoodsenChuck Bass
"I love you more and more every day if it's even possible to love someone that much."
Louis GrimaldiNate ArchibaldJenny HumphreyBlair Waldorf
“You Can't Be Worse Than The Guys I Do Know."
Nelly YukiJenny HumphreySerena van der WoodsenVanessa Abrams
You Two Have Some Strange Force Field Effect On Each Other. Physicists Should Study It.
Diana PayneSerena van der WoodsenBlair WaldorfDan Humphrey
“For People Like Us, A College Degree Is Just An Accessory.”
Blair WaldorfChuck BassLily van der WoodsenSerena van der Woodsen
"Phone Stealing? That Is The 'Training Bra' Of Treachery."
Georgina SparksBlair WaldorfJenny HumphreyVanessa Abrams
“If You Can’t Do The Right Thing, Then I Can’t Respect You.”
Nate ArchibaldSerena van der WoodsenChuck BassDan Humphrey
"Just because we can’t be together doesn’t mean I don’t love you."
Blair WaldorfChuck BassSerena van der WoodsenDan Humphrey
"You can tell Jesus that the b**ch is back."
Jenny HumphreyIvy DickensGeorgina SparksBlair Waldorf
"The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey... is mourning Dan Humphrey."
Jenny HumphreySerena van der WoodsenBlair WaldorfVanessa Abrams
"Even If It's The Biggest Kamikaze Disaster Of My Life, It's My Disaster."
Dan HumphreyChuck BassBlair WaldorfSerena van der Woodsen
"You Are No One Until You're Talked About."
Dan HumphreyChuck BassSerena van der WoodsenBlair Waldorf

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