Can You Guess Which Animal Has Bigger Ears?
Get ready to explore the diverse world of animal adaptations and see if you can determine which species has the most prominent auditory appendages!
Test your knowledge of animal anatomy with this quiz! From creatures big and small, this quiz will challenge you to identify which animal boasts larger ears.
Get ready to explore the diverse world of animal adaptations and see if you can determine which species has the most prominent auditory appendages!
Which animal has bigger ears: African elephant or Indian elephant?
African elephantIndian elephantBoth have the same size earsWhich animal has bigger ears: Bat or Mouse?
BatBoth have the same size earsMouseWhich animal has bigger ears: Rabbit or Alpaca?
RabbitBoth have the same size earsAlpacaWhich animal has bigger ears: Donkey or Horse?
DonkeyHorseBoth have the same size earsWhich animal has bigger ears: Fennec fox or Red fox?
Red foxBoth have the same size earsFennec foxWhich animal has bigger ears: African elephant or Giraffe?
GiraffeBoth have the same size earsAfrican elephantWhich animal has bigger ears: Kangaroo or Wallaby?
KangarooBoth have the same size earsWallabyWhich animal has bigger ears: Lion or Tiger?
Both have relatively the same size earsTigerLionWhich animal has bigger ears: Bat or Squirrel?
BatSquirrelBoth have the same size earsWhich animal has bigger ears: Elephant or Hippopotamus?
HippopotamusBoth have the same size earsElephantWhich animal has bigger ears: Zebra or Horse?
Both have the same size earsZebraHorseWhich animal has bigger ears: Rabbit or Hare?
HareRabbitBoth have the same size earsWhich animal has bigger ears: Fennec fox or Wolf?
Both have the same size earsWolfFennec foxWhich animal has bigger ears: Rabbit or Hamster?
RabbitHamsterBoth have the same size earsWhich animal has bigger ears: Giraffe or Okapi?
GiraffeOkapiBoth have the same size ears More Like This