Animals come in various shapes and sizes, with some being significantly larger than others. In this quiz, you'll be presented with pairs of animals, and your task is to guess which one is bigger. Test your knowledge of animal sizes and see how many you can correctly identify.
Which animal is bigger?
RabbitSquirrelDogWhich animal is bigger?
DogMouseCatWhich animal is bigger?
ClownfishGoldfishSharkWhich animal is bigger?
LionZebraGiraffeWhich animal is bigger?
FrogTurtleCrocodileWhich animal is bigger?
SealDolphinBlue WhaleWhich animal is bigger?
Guinea PigRabbitHamsterWhich animal is bigger?
KoalaWombatKangarooWhich animal is bigger?
EagleSparrowOwlWhich animal is bigger?
BeetleAntBeeWhich animal is bigger?
Polar BearPandaRed PandaWhich animal is bigger?
HorseDonkeyOnagerWhich animal is bigger?
SparrowEagleMouseWhich animal is bigger?
AlligatorHippopotamusCrocodileWhich animal is bigger?
CatLionRabbitWhich animal is bigger?
HippopotamusAfrican ElephantRhinoWhich animal is bigger?
SealDolphinKiller WhaleWhich animal is bigger?
FrogTurtleFerretWhich animal is bigger?
SharkDolphinBlue WhaleWhich animal is bigger?
JellyfishGiant SquidOctopusWhich animal is bigger?
DuckChickenGuineafowlWhich animal is bigger?
AnacondaPythonCobraWhich animal is bigger?
PorcupineHedgehogMouseWhich animal is bigger?
EagleParrotSparrowWhich animal is bigger?
Sea LionSealWalrusWhich animal is bigger?
CheetahLionTigerWhich animal is bigger?
OrcaDolphinBeluga WhaleWhich animal is bigger?
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