Classic Metal Anthems: Can You Match the Song to the Band?

Think you're a heavy metal expert? Test your knowledge and match these classic metal anthems to the legendary bands that created them in this ultimate metal quiz!

Classic Metal Anthems: Can You Match the Song to the Band?

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Heavy metal has given us some of the most powerful, headbanging anthems in music history. From shredding guitar solos to thunderous drums and iconic vocals, metal anthems have shaped the genre for decades.

Whether it's the legendary riffs of Black Sabbath, the speed of Metallica, or the theatrical energy of Iron Maiden, classic metal songs continue to define generations of fans.

But how well do you know your classic metal? Can you match these legendary songs to the bands that made them famous? Take this quiz and prove you're a true metalhead! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ”ฅ

Which band performed Paranoid?
Black SabbathJudas PriestMetallicaMotรถrhead
Which metal band is responsible for Master of Puppets?
Who recorded Ace of Spades?
SlayerJudas PriestMotรถrheadIron Maiden
Which band wrote The Number of the Beast?
DioBlack SabbathIron MaidenSaxon
Who released Breaking the Law?
AcceptJudas PriestMetallicaScorpions
Which band created Holy Diver?
MegadethDioOzzy OsbourneDeep Purple
Who performed Raining Blood?
Which band is known for Cowboys from Hell?
Who wrote Symphony of Destruction?
Which band recorded Painkiller?
Iron MaidenDioBlack SabbathJudas Priest
Who performed Crazy Train?
Deep PurpleBlack SabbathVan HalenOzzy Osbourne
Who recorded Smoke on the Water?
Led ZeppelinRainbowDeep PurpleBlack Sabbath
Which band released Rock You Like a Hurricane?
ScorpionsAcceptAC/DCDef Leppard
Who sang Balls to the Wall?
AcceptIron MaidenW.A.S.P.Judas Priest
Which band performed I Wanna Rock?
Mรถtley CrรผeQuiet RiotTwisted SisterSkid Row
Who wrote We're Not Gonna Take It?
Def LeppardPoisonCinderellaTwisted Sister
Which band recorded Youโ€™ve Got Another Thing Cominโ€™?
Judas PriestVan HalenMetallicaAC/DC
Who sang Enter Sandman?
MetallicaMegadethIron MaidenSlayer
Which band wrote Run to the Hills?
Iron MaidenDioJudas PriestAccept
Who released Peace Sells?

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