Does Your Crush Like You?

Are you ready to gain some clarity on whether your crush may be interested in you romantically?

Does Your Crush Like You?

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Crushes can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Answer a few questions to help you determine if your crush may have feelings for you too.

It can't provide a definitive answer, but it can offer insights into your situation. Are you ready to gain some clarity on whether your crush may be interested in you romantically?

How often does your crush initiate contact with you?
📱 They frequently initiate conversations and reach out to me.😊 They sometimes initiate contact, but it's not consistent.😕 They rarely initiate contact; it's usually me who starts conversations.😞 They rarely or never initiate contact with me.
When you're together, how does your crush behave?
🤗 They're attentive, engaged, and often make physical contact (e.g., hugs, handholding).😄 They're friendly and enjoy spending time with me.😐 They're polite but don't show any specific romantic gestures.😔 They seem distant or uninterested.
How does your crush react to compliments from you?
😁 They respond positively, and their face lights up when I compliment them.😅 They appreciate compliments but don't have an extreme reaction.😬 They acknowledge compliments politely but don't seem deeply affected.😕 They don't seem to react strongly to compliments.
Does your crush make future plans that involve you?
😍 They frequently talk about future activities together and suggest plans.😊 They've mentioned doing things together but haven't solidified plans.😐 They're open to future plans but haven't taken the initiative.😞 They haven't discussed future plans or activities together.
How does your crush react to your sense of humor?
😂 They laugh heartily at my jokes and find me very funny.😄 They enjoy my sense of humor and smile often.😐 They acknowledge my jokes but don't react strongly.😕 They rarely find my humor amusing.
How do they respond to your support during difficult times?
🤗 They openly appreciate my support and may seek comfort from me.😌 They're grateful for my support and express their thanks.😐 They acknowledge my support but don't share their feelings openly.😔 They don't seek or seem to value my support during tough times.
How do they treat you around their friends or in social situations?
😍 They include me in their social circle and introduce me proudly.😊 They're friendly and comfortable around me in social settings.😐 They treat me politely but don't make extra efforts in social situations.😞 They seem distant or disinterested when around others.

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