Does Your Crush Like You? 💑😍❤️

Are your feelings mutual?

Does Your Crush Like You? 💑😍❤️

Photo credit: Ioana Cristiana/Unsplash

Curious to know if your feelings are mutual?

Answer the following nine questions to gain some insight into whether your crush might have a special interest in you. 💑😍❤️

💑 How often does your crush initiate conversations with you?
Almost every time we interact.Sometimes, but it's not consistent.Rarely or never.
😍 How do they react when they see you?
They often smile and seem excited.They give a friendly nod or wave.They don't show any noticeable reaction.
❤️ How does your crush respond to your jokes or humor?
They laugh a lot and seem genuinely entertained.They smile or chuckle occasionally.They don't really react or seem disinterested.
💑 How do they engage in conversations with you?
They ask a lot of questions and seem genuinely interested.They participate in the conversation but don't ask many personal questions.They keep conversations brief and don't engage deeply.
😍 Do they remember details about your life or previous conversations?
Yes, they often bring up things we've talked about before.Occasionally, they remember a few details.No, they don't seem to remember much.
❤️ How do they behave around you compared to others?
They seem more attentive and engaged when we're together.They treat me similarly to how they treat others.They are less engaged or seem distant.
💑 Have they ever given you compliments or shown admiration?
Yes, they've complimented me and shown clear admiration.Occasionally, they've given me a compliment.No, they haven't complimented me.
😍 How do they react when you're around other potential romantic interests?
They seem a bit jealous or protective.They don't seem to react differently.They don't pay much attention or seem uninterested.
❤️ Have they hinted at spending time together outside of regular interactions?
Yes, they've suggested hanging out or doing something together.They've mentioned it casually but not as a direct suggestion.No, they haven't brought it up.

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