How to Act Like a Lady: 13 Essential Rules for Modern Women with Class

We reveal 13 simple and straightforward rules of modern etiquette that you can master quickly

Nadya Hamdan
How to Act Like a Lady: 13 Essential Rules for Modern Women with Class

This image was created with the assistance of Playground AI

In past times, mastering the rules of etiquette and behaving like a refined lady might have been easier. Perhaps women had more time to study the intricacies of etiquette back then.

Today, however, with careers, households, friends, family, and countless tasks to juggle, modern women hardly find the time and energy to be 'ladylike.' So, here are 13 simple and relatively straightforward rules of modern etiquette that you can quickly refine. These tips are guaranteed to make you appear more graceful, elegant, and pleasing to those around you.

1. Don't Speak Loudly

Many of us have loud voices or "project" more than we intend. This not only irritates those around us but also distances us from the ideal of a refined lady. Try to practice controlling your voice.

2. Don't Swear or Use Offensive Language

A refined lady would never insult someone, swear, or use vulgar or offensive language. Try to limit these words gradually until you build the habit of replacing them with more appropriate expressions.

3. Don't Turn Around Unless You're Addressed by Name

It's not very refined to respond to whistles, car horn honks, or people shouting at you. In such situations, just keep walking confidently, as if nothing happened, until someone addresses you by name.

4. Avoid Heated Arguments and Scandals (at least in public)

It's understandable that nobody can be calm and composed all the time unless they're a Zen master. However, it's crucial for a lady to control her anger and avoid public outbursts or heated arguments.

5. Don't Stand with Your Hands on Your Hips

This posture comes instinctively when we're angry or impatient. However, it certainly distances us from the image of a refined lady or a modern elegant woman.

6. Don't Invade Others' Personal Space

This rule applies to both etiquette and body language. Invading personal space not only harms your image as a lady but also makes others uncomfortable. This applies both physically and emotionally—don't ask overly personal or intimate questions, gossip, or impose your opinions.

When Attending Events, in Public Spaces, or Visiting Someone's Home:

7. Always Greet and Thank the Host When Leaving

Don't forget your manners; they are part of what defines a woman with class. A true lady always greets courteously and thanks the host for their hospitality when leaving.

8. Follow the Dress Code

It's said that it's better to be slightly overdressed at an informal event than underdressed at a formal one. The golden rule is to dress appropriately for the occasion. It's worth spending a few minutes to understand the tone of the event before choosing your outfit.

9. Take Off Your Headphones/Sunglasses When Entering a Place

Just as it's customary for men to take off their hats indoors, it's also courteous to remove your sunglasses and headphones. This shows respect for those present and creates a positive impression.

10. Mute Your Phone

It's unacceptable for your phone to ring in church, at the cinema, in the theater, at someone's home, during a business meeting, and so on. Try to create a habit of switching to silent mode whenever you're heading to such places. Few things ruin an image faster than a ringing phone in your purse.

11. Don't Leave Your Phone on the Table

It's not acceptable to have your phone on the table during dinner, let alone in your hand. For a lady, this is out of the question. Keep your phone in your bag—on silent mode.

12. Don't Slouch in Your Chair

When we're tired, it's easy to slouch or lean back in our chairs, as if we're collapsing under the table. This posture might be fine for children but is completely unacceptable for refined ladies.

This image was created with the assistance of Playground AI

13. Posture Matters

This might be the most challenging rule, especially for those used to slumping. Refined women always stand, walk, and sit up straight. This is a skill you can master. It requires a lot of willpower to overcome initial discomfort and persistence to keep practicing. Good luck! 

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