It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're walking around looking like you're about to play the semifinals at Wimbledon.
A. J. JacobsI don't believe that prayers actually change God's mind - if there is a God - but I liked praying for people in need. It was like moral weightlifting. I tend to be self-obsessed, and it was nice to get out of my brain once in a while.
A. J. JacobsThere's a very passionate pro-chewing movement on the Internet called Chewdiasm. They say that we should be chewing 50 to 100 times per mouthful, which is insane. I tried that. It takes like a day and a half to eat a sandwich. But their basic idea is right. If you chew, you'll eat slower and you will get more nutrients.
A. J. JacobsI love it when the Bible gives Emily Post-like tips that are both wise and easy to follow.
A. J. Jacobs