I am very interested in loyalty, even if the person to whom one is loyal is flawed, criminal, or otherwise in the wrong.
A.M. HomesI'd say our ability to supersize emotions are American-made special effects. In European countries, people mostly stay close to home and whatever rage there is simmers under the surface - it's what made the plays of Shakespeare and Harold Pinter so good.
A.M. HomesWas this the big one or was this the small tremor, the warning? Does it get better - does the sensation of being in a dream underwater go away?
A.M. HomesI thought a lot about Nixon's personal history and the changes in America during his lifetime and tried to craft stories, which I thought reflected some of his personal history but also the backdrop of a changing America. Nixon grew up in a strict Quaker family. The idea of the American Dream, of hard work and not much fun, was ingrained in Nixon as a child, but curiously so was a love of music. Nixon himself was a pretty good piano player. So it's the contradictions that interest me, as I think we all have them.
A.M. Homes