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A. O. ScottSubtle, funny and touching, with a striking downbeat authenticity. Director Craig Zobel is the real thing.
A. O. ScottPearl Harbor is strenuously respectful of contemporary sensitivities, sometimes at the cost of accuracy.
A. O. ScottCampaign may invite a certain skepticism about democracy, but it will surely restore your faith in cinema verite.
A. O. ScottADMIRABLY BOLD. There's something grand about the film's sincerity and the intensity of its emotions and something fresh and bold about the way director Gray uses the conventions of romantic melodrama.
A. O. ScottRecently, I took my son to see The Haunted Mansion, which was one of the worst things (I hesitate even to call it a movie) that I have ever seen. He thought it was better than Finding Nemo and we had a fruitless argument which I'm sure made him acutely aware of the disadvantages of having a film critic for a dad.
A. O. Scott