I have a lot of respect for people who are great at ad-libbing, and for writers and directors who are able to create a scene in which that works.
Aaron SorkinPerhaps something like Facebook couldn't have been invented by somebody who goes out five nights a week and has a ton of friends and makes friends really easily.
Aaron SorkinIf you feel that strongly about something, you have an obligation to try and change my mind.
Aaron SorkinToby: All right. It couldn't have gone far, right? Sam: No. Toby: Somewhere in this building...is our talent.
Aaron SorkinWe lead the world in only 3 categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies. Now none of this is the fault of 20 year old college student, but you nonetheless are without a doubt a member of the worst period generation period ever period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world I don't know what the f...k you're talking about.
Aaron Sorkin