It's important to remember that, first and foremost, if not only, this is entertainment. 'The West Wing' isn't meant to be good for you.
Aaron SorkinWhen you're writing a movie or a play and writing isn't going well, which is for me the normal condition - it's an exceptional day when suddenly I've got something and it's going well - you can call the studio or the producer or whoever is waiting for it and say, "I know I said I was going to have it in by the end of the summer.
Aaron SorkinRule of storytelling: When a character is shoved against a wall, shove them against a wall harder.
Aaron SorkinTell me what you think and then tell me what the really smart person in the room who disagrees with you thinks.
Aaron SorkinThe Monica Lewinsky scandal was happening at the very time I was writing the West Wing pilot and it was hard, at least for Americans, to look at the White House and think of anything but a punch line. Plus a show about politics, a show that took place in Washington, had just never worked before in American television. So the show was delayed for a year.
Aaron Sorkin