I am still very surprised that I managed to make that film [Close Up]. When I actually look back on that film, I really feel that I was not the director but instead just a member of the audience.
Abbas KiarostamiClose-Up is a very particular film in my oeuvre. It's a film that was made in a very particular way; mainly because I didn't really have the time to think about how to go about making the film.
Abbas KiarostamiI only make notes, I don't write dialogues in full. And the notes are very much based on my knowledge of person.
Abbas KiarostamiIt's not so much a question of whether we've shot it through 35mm or digital video; what is important is whether the audience accepts it as real.
Abbas KiarostamiI don't ask my students to have studied film or any education in general. What I ask them is to come and sit and tell me a story, and the way they choose it and tell it, for me, the best criteria for whether they are right for making films. There's nothing more important than being able to tell your story orally.
Abbas Kiarostami