That world beyond is a world of sanctity and radiance; therefore, it is necessary that in this world he should acquire these divine attributes. In that world there is need of spirituality, faith, assurance, the knowledge and love of God. These he must attain in this world so that after his ascension from the earthly to the heavenly Kingdom he shall find all that is needful in that eternal life ready for him.
Abdu'l-BaháIf you desire with all your heart, friendship with every race on earth, your thought, spiritual and positive, will spread; it will become the desire of others, growing stronger and stronger, until it reaches the minds of all men.
Abdu'l-BaháLet them at all times concern themselves with doing a kindly thing for one of their fellows, offering to someone love, consideration, thoughtful help.
Abdu'l-BaháIf religious beliefs and opinions are found contrary to the standards of science they are mere superstitions and imaginations.
Abdu'l-BaháMay you become as the waves of one sea, stars of the same heaven, fruits adorning the same tree, roses of one garden in order that through you the oneness of humanity may establish its temple in the world of mankind, for you are the ones who are called to uplift the cause of unity among the nations of the earth.