... men of power are seldom protected from their own infirmities by the men subordinate to them -- not even in the sad circumstances of mental exhaustion.
Abigail McCarthygrowth requires purposeful division. Responsible dissent is the essence of democracy.
Abigail McCarthyIt is hard for many people today to make the distinction between religion and religiosity, the latter a dangerous parody of the former.
Abigail McCarthy[What she told herself before interviews:] I am the way I am; I look the way I look; I am my age.
Abigail McCarthyWhen I was young I thought of friendship as a matter of total loyalty and unchanging preference and I was often disappointed. But as an adult I had come to see that it was more the refraction of some total faithfulness and joy of which we all had some primordial notion. The exchange of trust and the experience of understanding between two people was like a sign or witness to the possibilitity of eternal caring and understanding and communication.
Abigail McCarthy