It is not merely for to-day, but for all time to come that we should perpetuate for our children's children this great and free government, which we have enjoyed all our lives.
Abraham LincolnIn any future great national trial, compared with the men of this, we shall have as weak, and as strong; as silly and as wise; asbad and good.
Abraham LincolnThe strongest bond of human sympathy outside the family relation should be one uniting working people of all nations and tongues and kindreds.
Abraham LincolnThe President responded very impressively, saying that he was deeply sensible of his need of Divine assistance. He had sometime thought that perhaps he might be an instrument in God's hands of accomplishing a great work and he certainly was not unwilling to be. Perhaps, however, God's way of accomplishing the end which the memorialists have in view may be different from theirs.
Abraham Lincoln