When I so pressingly urge a strict observance of all the laws, let me not be understood as saying there are no bad laws, nor that grievances may not arise, for the redress of which, no legal provisions have been made. I mean to say no such thing. But I do mean to say, that, although bad laws, if they exist, should be repealed as soon as possible, still while they continue in force, for the sake of example, they should be religiously observed.
Abraham LincolnAs to the whiskers, having never worn any, do you not think people would call it a piece of silly affectation if I were to begin it now?
Abraham LincolnAn inspection of the Constitution will show that the right of property in a slave in not "distinctly and expressly affirmed" in it.
Abraham LincolnDo you think we choose the times into which we are born? Or do we fit the times we are born into?
Abraham Lincoln