The first World War in so many ways shaped the 20th century and really remade our world for the worse.
Adam HochschildIt sure is a rising tide, and we have a particularly nasty exemplar of it in the U.S., in Donald Trump.
Adam HochschildEven [Ernst] Hemingway, perhaps the most intentionally non-political of American writers, became passionately partisan during the Spanish Civil War.
Adam HochschildIf your real wages are declining, your job is at risk, you fear your children will be worse off than you are, it's tempting to want to blame it all on an easily identifiable target: Muslims, immigrants, refugees, blacks, Jews.
Adam HochschildSpeaking of Germany in 1933, I don't think you can remove yourself from politics when, in so many countries - the United States, Poland, Hungary, and many others - you've got politicians in power or vying for power who are taking tactics and elements of their appeal from the playbook of fascism.
Adam Hochschild