I feel blessed to have had the accumulation of life experiences that I've had, life experience just adds to the depths of a persons richness, as with acting!
Aeriel MirandaI've always been an actress, entertaining my family was the start. I'm a goof ball among many of my cousins and siblings.
Aeriel MirandaIt feels good to watch TV and know that you're being represented on somebody's network and for certain communities, it feels even better to know that you're being depicted truthfully.
Aeriel MirandaI acknowledge that we are all human and are on a journey. We are not born perfect, mistakes are inevitable.
Aeriel MirandaThe difference lies in the intention behind wanting money. Your reasons for why you want to create more money is typically why you're ambitious to get it. You're either genuinely ambitious or selfishly hungry.
Aeriel MirandaMy family has always had Cape Verdean pride but I don't think it was something the kids in the family necessarily understood. However, I was very conscious of the fact that both sides of my family were drastically different and my aunts, cousins, and uncles varied in different shades of brown.
Aeriel Miranda