Why do so many ingenious theorists give fresh reasons every year for the decline of letter writing, and why do they assume, in derision of suffering humanity, that it has declined? They lament the lack of leisure, the lack of sentiment ... They talk of telegrams, and telephones, and postal cards, as if any discovery of science, any device of civilization, could eradicate from the human heart that passion for self-expression which is the impelling force of letters.
Agnes RepplierWhat puzzles most of us are the things which have been left in the movies rather than the things which have been taken out.
Agnes RepplierThe sanguine assurance that men and nations can be legislated into goodness, that pressure from without is equivalent to a moral change within, needs a strong backing of inexperience.
Agnes RepplierNo man pursues what he has at hand. No man recognizes the need of pursuit until that which he desires has escaped him.
Agnes Repplier