What then are we to do about our problems? We must learn to live with them until such time as God delivers us from them...we must pray for grace to endure them without murmuring. Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting. They harm us only when we resist them or endure them unwillingly.
Aiden Wilson TozerGod rescues us by breaking us, by shattering our strength and wiping out our resistance.
Aiden Wilson TozerLove is both a principle and an emotion; it is something both felt and willed. It is capable of almost infinite degrees. Love in the human heart may begin so modestly as to be hardly perceptible and go on to become a raging torrent that sweeps its possessor before it in total helplessness.
Aiden Wilson TozerIn coming to Christ we don't bring our old life up to a higher plane; we leave it at the cross.
Aiden Wilson TozerChristianity at any given time is strong or weak depending upon her concept of God.
Aiden Wilson Tozer