We can seek God and find him! God is knowable, touchable, hearable, seeable, with the mind, the hands, the ears and the eyes of the inner man.
Aiden Wilson TozerToo often we are Christians by assumption, manipulation or instruction, rather than Christians by regeneration.
Aiden Wilson TozerJudas Iscariot was not a greatly wicked person, just a common money-lover, and like most money-lovers, he did not understand Christ.
Aiden Wilson TozerOne of the purest souls ever to live on this fallen planet was Nicholas Herman, known as Brother Lawrence. He wrote very little, but what he wrote has seemed to several generations of Christians to be so rare and so beautiful as to deserve a place near the top among the world's great books of devotion. The writings of Brother Lawrence are the ultimate in simplicity; ideas woven like costly threads to make a pattern of great beauty.
Aiden Wilson Tozer