Let the seeking man reach a place where life and lips join to say continually, "Be thou exalted," and a thousand minor problems will be solved at once.
Aiden Wilson TozerIt is astonishing, how many difficulties clear up without any effort when the inner life gets straightened out. If half the time we spend trying to fix up outward things were spent in getting our hearts right, we would be delighted with the result. Strange as it may seem, harmony within our hearts depends mostly upon our getting into harmony with God.
Aiden Wilson TozerSome people's lives would drastically change if they would obey God as strictly as they obey their doctors.
Aiden Wilson TozerThe man with a cross no longer controls his destiny; he lost control when he picked up his cross. That cross immediately became to him an all-absorbing interest, an overwhelming interference. No matter what he may desire to do, there is but one thing he can do; that is, move on toward the place of crucifixion.
Aiden Wilson TozerWe fear extremes and shy away from too much ardor in religion as if it were possible to have too much love or too much faith or too much holiness.
Aiden Wilson TozerThe true Church has never sounded out public expectations before launching her mission. Her leaders heard from God, they knew their Lord's will and did it. Their people followed them - sometimes to triumph, oftener to insults and public persecution - and their sufficient reward was the satisfaction of being right in a wrong world!
Aiden Wilson Tozer