It is probably impossible to think without words, but if we permit ourselves to think with the wrong words, we shall soon be entertaining erroneous thoughts; for words, which are given us for the expression of thought, have a habit of going beyond their proper bounds and determining the content of thought.
Aiden Wilson TozerTruth is a glorious but hard mistress. She never consults, bargains or compromises.
Aiden Wilson TozerConstantly practice the habit of inwardly gazing upon God. You know that something inside your heart sees God. Even when you are compelled to withdraw your conscious attention in order to engage in earthly affairs, there is within you a secret communion always going on.
Aiden Wilson TozerIt will cost you everything to follow the Lord. And it will cost you even more to be His man for this hour.
Aiden Wilson TozerThe idea that the Man Christ Jesus has absolute and final authority over the whole church and over all of its members in every detail of their lives is simply not now accepted as true by the rank and file of evangelical Christians
Aiden Wilson Tozer